Icons Unearthed: Marvel Creator on Delving Into the MCU

The Cabin Company and Vice TV’s Iconic excavation: Marvel Continue excavated icon A series that delves into the greatest cinematic phenomenon of the modern era. The series began with the origins of Marvel Comics and the surprising twists that brought it to the brink in 2008. Iron Mancapture the key moments that have shaped the MCU since then. Iconic excavation: Marvel Also benefited from interviews with a number of key figures, including former Marvel TV executive Jeff Loeb, actor Phil Coulson Clark Gregg and Hulk icon Lou Ferrigno.

Iconic excavation: Marvel Director Brian Volk-Weiss, founder of The Nacelle Company. Volk-Weiss is behind a number of other notable deep dive programs, including others excavated icon seasons (such as exploring Fast and furious franchise) and the Netflix documentary series make our toys And movies made for us. Iconic excavation: Marvel was one of the first documentaries to explore the MCU, and due to the vast nature of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it has two more episodes than before. excavated icon season.

Volk-Weiss gives an interview rant screen About his MCU strides and what he learned from creating Iconic excavation: Marvel. Note: This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Brian Volk-Weiss on Unearthed Icons: Marvel

Screen Rant: I watched the first episode and loved it. What movies are you watching on the MCU?

Brian Volk-Weiss: We get to the first part ant Man. Unlike all the other seasons, this one has eight episodes; the others are six. This is a special season, super rich.

Is it hard to do a doc about something as well as the MCU?

Brian Volk-Weiss: That’s a good question. It really depends on IP to IP. I won’t go into specifics, but suffice it to say that another season of the show that aired had a much harder time getting people to talk to us than this season. In fact, it was the hardest million miles we’ve ever done.

Marvel isn’t bad. Not bad at all. We have great people, not only great people, but we have really good information. Dare to say, perhaps a bit trivial. We have some good stuff. There will be a lot of surprises out there. dislikes Star Wars And this The Simpsons In a way, Marvel isn’t really covered. That is the problem excavated icon, But this really blew me away. You will be hard pressed to find a documentary about the MCU. Very hard.

I guess the general perception about Marvel is that Kevin Feige came out and it’s been fine since then. Did you spot a bump in the road that we didn’t know about?

Brian Volk-Weiss: I would say that for the most part, it went well. With very few exceptions, the making of these films went smoothly. It is almost inconceivable that they can achieve what they have achieved, and I will tell you what I mean. They’ve had almost two decades with the first movies, and – maybe the only exception everlasting, I don’t think I even think it’s an exception — every movie is the least profitable. Most of them make amazing profits.

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There is no competition. The closest thing I could find to a comparison is James Bond, and a, James Bond Fewer and fewer movies are made over half a century. B, they have money bombs. The Age of Timothy Dalton – They didn’t make a Bond movie for a decade after that. Can Marvel release two or three movies a year, not lose money for 15 straight years, and only make movies six years after setting the plot? Never do.

I think one of the problems with Marvel is that it can’t be judged because there’s no compensation. How will they know how much your house is worth when you want to sell it? They look at all the houses around your house, and that’s what they do. You really can’t do that with Marvel; it’s really crazy. Can I tell you a story that perfectly summarizes this?


Brian Volk-Weiss: When I was a kid, I went to a summer camp in Massachusetts. When at camp, I would keep a flashlight under the blanket and often read comic books. I could argue that my research started when I was eight or nine years old, but when this season gets the green light, it’s like, “Yeah, I’ve been a Marvel fan my whole life. Yes, I do. I think I can do it in my sleep. Talk about this another way.. but I should still do some research.

When I direct, I’m always looking for what I call the backbone of the show, or the season, or whatever you want to call it. In this research, I discovered the backbone of the seasons. To me, I truly believe this is the craziest thing in the history of entertainment on the planet. Do you know when they are filming? The Avengers, captain America During the second week of filming, God of thunder release Two weeks before they wrap?


Brian Volk-Weiss: Let it sink in. That movie had five main characters; no one knows if two of them will be successful or not. One more thing I also really believe that Marvel doesn’t have enough credit, especially with those movies, especially God of thunder… These are very, very, very, very strange stories. Sometimes it looks normal, sometimes it looks cool, everyone understands, but God of thunder This is crazy. The number of times I try to read God of thunder And give up… I never finished Thor, I never got to Thor, I never liked Thor – until the first movie of the MCU.

And captain America, There is a way to make movies safer. They didn’t have to have it in the 40s and 50s. These are weird movies, or at least weird stories. They’re not really weird movies, they’re perfectly normal good movies, but they’re based on extremely weird characters in extremely weird worlds, and it shouldn’t work. In fact, they’ve doubled, then tripled, then quadrupled, so they’re sitting here spending $250 million. The Avengers It’s not even known if two of their five leads are active. They recast the Hulk…it didn’t work. The fact that the CFO, CEO, and board members are approving and initializing the plan? You’re crazy.

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Why do you think they are willing to take this risk? Is Kevin Feige Super Convincing?

Brian Volk-Weiss: That’s how I would describe it. Consider Kevin Feige an Air Force pilot. He’s the best pilot, no one in the Air Force does a better job, but he’s not the head of the Air Force. At the time, the answers to your questions were Ike Perlmutter and Avi Arad. Perlmutter is an entrepreneur, he’s an independent, and he’s a disruptor. To put it mildly, we’ve heard some pretty crazy stories about him. Some of the craziest things I’ve heard about anyone, I’ve heard about him. Even so, he still had confidence. He knows what he’s doing, he’s been doing it, he’s rich, and he’s the one who got the money through Merrill Lynch.

one of the big things is tongue Everything happens in the MCU. First of all – it hurts me to say this, but it’s true – even better Batman ’89, tongue Shows how to make a modern superhero movie. It figured out, “How do you get this crazy wardrobe — it’s straps and cords — that work in the comics but never in reality, you fix that like How do you use these cheesy lines and make them sound cool How do you use thought bubbles to make a movie without thought bubbles, because nobody wants to hear what they think?” They found it. This is the first tongue did. another thing tongue It did, and made at least about $200 million. It really could have made $250 to $300, plus all the ancillary equipment, cables, etc.

Marvel received $25,000. That’s it. To put it mildly, Ike Perlmutter and Avi Arad are a big part of it. They are confident they will go to Merrill Lynch to borrow $500 million.

You also spoke with Jeph Loeb, who created Marvel Netflix, and Clark Gregg, who created The leader’s minions They were supposed to be part of the MCU when all of this came out, but they’ve been dropped. I’m curious if you were involved and did you get any feelings on this topic from the people involved?

Brian Volk-Weiss: No one has ever told me this, but reading between the lines, I don’t believe it The leader’s minions has been abandoned forever. I believe they are actively working and you can see it at work she is heavy, One of the greatest miracles of all time. They started bringing Netflix-era characters into the MCU. Again, no one did. You’re crazy.

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They are not satisfied with the agreement they reached with Netflix. Usually, when a company and an executive are not happy with an agreement, they don’t try to copy it and move on. The fact that they like to embrace things they don’t like is crazy, but they always do the right thing. I don’t work for Marvel and I don’t really wear Marvel t-shirts right now, but I really don’t think they get enough credit for what they do and what they do. Even as successful as them.

outside of meLong ManAre there any early projects that you think laid the groundwork for the MCU? tongueDeviating from what you said before

Brian Volk-Weiss: Those are two movies, one of which is a Marvel movie and one of which is not. It is absolute, positive, double tonguewhich I think is exponentially better tongue. Obviously, the only difference is that there is one real variable, and there can’t be two without a success variable.

I won’t cast shadows over the first movie, but double tongue That is the work of genius. It holds up. Interesting. Lots of fun. that’s another problem double tongue do a few things tongue one is not; double tongue It’s frenzied. There’s a lot of humor, and I also think that humor is a big part of what makes the MCU grow. They make fun of themselves; they make fun of themselves. They act like real people with superpowers. So this is the first movie.

Another movie with no credits, but if you watch Iron Manthere are scenes in it Iron Man in reason, from RoboCop. That is obvious. if you look RoboCop then you see Iron Man, while you hold RoboCop Just remember when you watch the rest of the MCU…this is the movie. Where is the scene? Iron Man In Afghanistan? This is actually a scene from City Hall RoboCop. It’s not subtle. It’s the furthest thing from subtlety.

Icons about Excavation: Marvel

Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark and Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner in the Avengers Age of Ultron science lab center

Icons Unearth returns for a fourth season, this time delving into the history and evolution of the greatest cinematic phenomenon of the modern era. Featuring interviews with key players, rare project footage, and more, Icons Unearthed: Marvel chronicles the early days of Marvel Comics and the rise of the MCU. Unearth Icons: Marvel continues the trend of Unearthing Icons, taking a look at some of the most famous and beloved franchises of all time, with previous productions including Star Wars, The Simpsons and Fast and Furious.

Iconic excavation: Marvel It airs every Tuesday on Vice TV.

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