I’m Worried That Captain America 4 Has Too Many Villains


  • “Captain America 4” has a very strong cast, but the excessive number of villains in the storyline has also caused concerns.
  • Villains like Samuel Sterns, Thunderbolt Ross, and Isaiah Bradley (who is mind-controlled) threaten to overshadow Sam Wilson’s hero’s journey.
  • Giancarlo Esposito was cast as another Marvel villain in reshoots, sparking concerns about the film having too many villains, not to mention a potential villain in the form of Sabra.

Captain America: Brave New World It’s exciting for many reasons, but I’m concerned about the number of villains included in the story. Captain America 4The story of Captain America: Civil War is finally set to hit theaters in February 2025 after a long delay. I’m most excited to see Anthony Mackie’s Captain America in his first solo adventure, even if it comes too late. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. despite this, Captain America 4 is one of my most anticipated upcoming MCU movies.

Another reason I’m excited about this movie is Captain America 4With Mackie at the helm, the inclusion of actors like Harrison Ford, Tim Blake Nelson, Carl Lumbly, and Giancarlo Esposito only further raises the high bar set by the film’s premise. That being said, all of the actors listed here are playing villains — or misguided villains — Captain America: Brave New World, Aside from some minor complaints that Sam’s new look will overshadow his original Phase 4 costume, I have one major concern about the film.

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Anthony Mackie as Captain America and his two costumes Related Captain America’s original Phase 4 costume has been confirmed in the set photos of Brave New World

Captain America: Brave New World set photos reveal the latest look at Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson, and now he’s back in a very familiar MCU costume.

Captain America 4 has a worrying number of villains

Many villains threaten to bury Sam Wilson’s heroic story

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson smiling in a park in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

What is worrying is that Captain America 4The villain list for Game of Thrones is outrageous. The main villain of the film is expected to be Samuel Sterns/The Leader, played by Tim Blake Nelson. Although I can’t deny that I’m very excited to see this character in all his glory after being teased in Game of Thrones nearly two decades ago. The Incredible Hulk, He may be overshadowed by other villains. Harrison Ford recently played Thunderbolt Ross in the film, another villain who will clash with Mackie’s Captain America.

In addition to these two characters, the CinemaCon footage also seems to hint at Captain America 4Isaiah Bradley (played by Lumbly) from The Last Airbender will play some sort of villain in the movie. The footage shows Bradley shooting at a group of American politicians who appear to be sleeper agents, just like the Winter Soldier before him. This means that the three villains, or rather Bradley’s brainwashed villains, have already appeared. Captain America: Brave New World, That’s not to mention the Marvel Universe’s own Israeli superhero, Sabra, who could potentially play Sam Wilson’s villain in the story.

Captain America: Brave New World Adds Giancarlo Esposito as Another Marvel Villain

Captain America 4 remake adds new characters, adding another villain to the story

Sam Wilson, Anthony Mackie and Giancarlo Esposito in front of Captain America shield background Custom image provided by Debanjana Chowdhury

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Worse, setting the photo Captain America 4Recent reshoots have revealed that Giancarlo Esposito will be joining the film as an unknown Marvel villain. Don’t get me wrong, Giancarlo Esposito is a fantastic actor who plays villains better than most in Hollywood, so I’m excited to see what he’ll do in the MCU. However, his inclusion in the film hasn’t eased my concerns. Captain America: Brave New WorldThe story is filled with villains who confront Sam.

Many theories suggest that Esposito will play William Stryker, a common X-Men villain in the Marvel Universe.

Although the set photos cannot directly confirm that Esposito plays the villain in the film, according to industry insiders The Hollywood Reporter and type Confirmed his role as an antagonist. This means Captain America: Brave New World There will be three outright villains in the film, and one villain/anti-hero, Lumbly’s Isaiah Bradley. If Sabra is on the opposite side of any battle Sam Wilson is involved in, there will be five potential villains in the film. This is a staggering number, and I worry that the film will be difficult to handle from a narrative perspective.

Giancarlo Esposito in front of the Marvel Villains Gallery Related Who Does Giancarlo Esposito Play in the Marvel Universe? 10 Best Captain America Villain Theories

Esposito describes his character as an “agent of chaos” who will debut in Brave New World before moving on to a larger role in a series.

Giancarlo Esposito shouldn’t be typecast as a villain

Captain America 4’s newest villain poses another problem

As I mentioned, Esposito is a fantastic actor who has proven himself to be an expert at playing villains. Captain America: Brave New World – Combined with most of the roles he’s played in the past, this proves a sad reality. Giancarlo Esposito is a charming, engaging, funny man who deserves a larger range of important roles instead of being typecast as a cold, calculating, heartless villain. While the studio cast Esposito in a role modeled after his role in The breaking BadI have become very tired.

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Esposito’s role in Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing proved how well he could play this eccentric yet confident character.

From Moff Gideon Star Wars’televisionThe Mandalorian and Stan Edgar boys Castillo in video games Far Cry 6In The Last Airbender, Esposito was rarely able to escape being a clone of Gus. Many hoped that casting the actor in the Marvel Universe would do the same, with fans often slated Esposito as Professor X. I admit, that would have been great, but he would still be in Captain America: Brave New World. Not only does this seem inconsistent with his obvious charisma, it also heightens my concerns about the ridiculous number of villains in the film.

Captain America Brave New World character poster Captain America: Brave New World

Captain America: Brave New World New World Order Sam Wilson takes up the suit and shield in Phase 4’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, making his first MCU big-screen appearance as Steve Rogers’ successor. Anthony Mackie returns as the titular Avenger, with Danny Ramirez as Joaquin Torres, Carl Lambie as Isaiah Bradley, and Tim Blake Nelson as the Hulk’s former ally Samuel Sterns. Harrison Ford makes his MCU debut, replacing the late William Hurt as Thaddeus Ross.

Director Julius Onah

Release Date: February 14, 2025

Screenwriter: Daran Mason, Malcolm Spellman

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