Is Geto Still Alive? Why Did Geto Turn Evil? What Made Geto Evil?

Unravel the mystery of Geth’s enigmatic fate as he undergoes a transformation, transforming from a sympathetic character to a malevolent adversary.

Is the Ghetto still alive?

No, Suguru Getō, a character in Jujutsu Kaisen, is no longer alive. In Jujutsu Kaisen 0, he faced defeat against Yuta and was subsequently killed by Gojo, his former friend and classmate.

In the main story of Jujutsu Kaisen, Suguru Getō “returns”, but is revealed to be the malevolent sorcerer Kenjaku, who took control of Getō’s original body after his death in Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Kenjaku possesses the ability to take over corpses and assumed Getō’s identity, misleading others.

Who was Geto?

Suguru Geto, a prominent character in Gege Akutami’s manga “Jujutsu Kaisen 0”, is a terrifying sorcerer and former friend of mentor Satoru Gojo. He harbors a deep-seated desire to eliminate non-wizards and launches an attack on Jujutsu society, leading to intense encounters with Yuto Okkotsu and the curse of the undead Rika Orimoto.

The main series, “Jujutsu Kaisen,” dives into flashbacks that explore the complexities of Geto and Gojo’s friendship, shedding light on the events that ultimately turned him into an adversary. Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in Japanese and Lex Lang in English, the character of Suguru Geto reflects the theme of prejudice against others, adding depth to the story.

While Geto’s fate remains ambiguous in “Jujutsu Kaisen 0”, it is later confirmed in the main series during the Shibuya incident. Named Pseudo-Geto, his death is confirmed and his body becomes a vessel controlled by Kenjaku, an ancient sorcerer skilled in Cursed Techniques, with the goal of advancing humanity through Cursed Energy and ushering in a new golden age of Jujutsu wizardry reminiscent of the Heian period.

Why did Geto become a villain?

In the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen”, Suguru Geto is initially introduced as a mysterious member of a shadowy group of powerful cursed spirits whose goal is to eliminate jujutsu wizards and unleash a curse on humanity. However, his character takes a drastic turn when he becomes the main antagonist in the prequel film, “Jujutsu Kaisen 0.”

In a flashback during the first arc of “Jujutsu Kaisen” Season 2, we witness a different version of Suguru Geta. At the time, he and Satoru Gojo were close friends, and Geto believed in the duty of jujutsu wizards to protect the common people from the hidden war.

However, as his personality and motivations develop, he undergoes a significant transformation, turning into a Magneto-like villain who sees wizards as the next evolutionary step for humanity. A key factor driving Geth’s change in attitude towards humans is the selfishness and prejudice he observes in non-wizards.

Rik Amanai’s death is a critical turning point for him, leading him to witness two curse users being hunted down by villagers. This event causes him to rage, which he directs towards the villagers, revealing the appearance of a more familiar villain. His once noble nature becomes corrupted by these traumatic experiences, molding him into the antagonist depicted in “Jujutsu Kaisen 0.”

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What made the Ghetto Evil?

Suguru Getō’s transformation into evil can be attributed to a number of key factors that changed his character and outlook on life. Initially portrayed as a compassionate and responsible individual, his journey takes a dark turn as various events and experiences shape his beliefs and motivations.

A turning point in Getō’s journey can be traced back to the flashback section in “Jujutsu Kaisen” Season 2, where we witness a completely different version of him. While his close friend Satoru Gojo takes a devil-may-care attitude, Getō firmly believes in the duty of jujutsu wizards to protect ordinary people from the hidden war of curses.

However, his ideals begin to erode as he encounters the prejudice and selfishness he observes in non-wizards. The turning point occurs when he witnesses two curse users being persecuted by the villagers, which fuels his anger and prompts him to take extreme measures against the villagers. This pivotal event marks the appearance of the character we know as the evil Getō.

Toji Vs Geto Manga

The battle between Suguru Geto and Toji Fushiguro in the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” takes place in the tombs of the Star Corridor after Toji kills Riko Amanai. Toji effortlessly defeats Suguru and his cursed spirits, revealing his heightened senses and ability to manipulate curses.

Despite Suguru’s attempts to absorb Toji’s cursed spirit, he is defeated, leaving him unconscious and injured. The aftermath of the battle shows Toji thinking about his son’s name, Megumi, and the blessings he hoped for him. Eleven years later, bloodstains from the battle remain, serving as a reminder of past events.

How did the Ghetto survive?

In the world of “Jujutsu Kaisen”, Suguru Getō’s existence is far more complicated than it seems at first glance. Although his physical form can be seen, it is not really him, but an impostor known as Pseudo-Getō. This mysterious individual carefully hid his true identity, which eventually turned out to be the ancient sorcerer Kenjaku.

Kenjaku possesses the unique ability to inhabit lifeless bodies, allowing him to take control and manipulate them at will. When Satoru Gojō dealt a fatal blow to the original Suguru Getō in the events of “Jujutsu Kaisen 0,” Kenjaku took the opportunity to grab Suguru’s lifeless body.

With his unmatched possession skills, Kenjaku successfully assumed the appearance of Suguru, effectively pretending to be him. This cunning deception not only deceived those who encountered him, but also added to the mystery surrounding Suguru Getō’s true fate.

As Kenjaku continued to operate under the guise of Pseudo-Getō, his sinister plans unraveled, revealing the depth of his malice and ambition in the Jujutsu world. Uncovering the true identity of this enigmatic sorcerer added another layer of complexity and intrigue to the captivating story of “Jujutsu Kaisen.”

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Did Toji kill Geto?

In “Jujutsu Kaisen”, Toji Fushiguro is a fearsome character known for his deadly skills as an assassin. During his life, he left behind a trail of jujutsu wizards, carrying out numerous successful murders. Even the most powerful jujutsu wizard in the world, Satoru Gojo, narrowly escaped his deadly grasp.

One of his notable achievements was defeating Suguru Geta, a wizard of a special rank, in a fierce battle. Toji’s prowess and expertise proved unmatched when he faced Geta, displaying his mastery in combat and strategic abilities.

This duel with Geta contributed to Toji’s reputation as a skilled and formidable opponent in the Jujutsu world. While Toji has an impressive record of victories, it is crucial to note that he did not kill Geto in “Jujutsu Kaisen”.

Instead, Toji earned his status as a terrifying and deadly assassin, leaving both the wizarding world and audiences in awe of his abilities and potential impact on the events unfolding in the series. His encounters with powerful opponents and relentless pursuit of goals further cement his position as a powerful force in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

Why did Geto kill his parents?

In the complex and dark world of “Jujutsu Kaisen”, the character Geto is portrayed as someone who harbors deep-seated anger and a distorted perception of the ideal world. Tragically, he committed the heinous act of killing his own parents because he deemed them unfit to be part of his vision of a perfect society.

Despite this gruesome act, it’s important to note that his capacity for compassion remains intact, albeit with a significant shift in focus. With his sense of compassion now directed towards those he considers strong, Geto has created a new sense of belonging, embracing his chosen “new family”.

These individuals became the center of his world and he was willing to go to great lengths to protect them from any potential harm. This newfound loyalty fueled his desire to protect and support his chosen family, leading him to take extraordinary measures in their defense. The intricate portrayal of Geto’s character in “Jujutsu Kaisen” delves into the complexity of human emotions and the blurred lines between compassion and cruelty.

His past actions and present choices create a multi-faceted character whose motives and actions provoke intrigue and introspection. As the story unfolds, it reveals layers of Geto’s character, making him an enigmatic and compelling figure in the story of “Jujutsu Kaisen”.

Did Geto love Riko?

In the convoluted world of “Jujutsu Kaisen”, there is no clear evidence to suggest that Geto harbored romantic feelings or love for Riku. Their interaction on their reunion day at Jujutsu High reveals a different aspect of their relationship. As Riko confides in Geto, she opens up about her unique and challenging past, expressing her feelings of being different from others and constantly living with the feeling of being special.

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Despite that uniqueness, she admits she avoided danger to get to this day. This exchange shows a moment of vulnerability and trust between the two characters, but doesn’t necessarily imply any romantic attachment or affection on the part of Geta for Rik. Rather, it depicts a deep connection based on mutual understanding and perhaps even a sense of friendship.

Geta’s presence during this significant moment can be interpreted as a protective gesture, ensuring her safe passage during the merger. As with many relationships in “Jujutsu Kaisen,” the characters’ feelings and motivations are nuanced and open to interpretation.

The story unfolds with layers of complexity, inviting viewers to explore the intricacies of each character’s emotions and experiences. While Geto’s intentions may remain a mystery, the relationship between him and Rik serves as an intriguing aspect of their individual development within the compelling story of “Jujutsu Kaisen.”

Who Owned the Ghetto?

In the captivating world of “Jujutsu Kaisen”, the character Geto underwent a profound transformation when he was possessed by a powerful and enigmatic sorcerer known as Kenjaku. Kenjaku possesses the unique ability to inhabit and take over the bodies of others, effectively becoming the possessor of their physical form.

After Geto’s apparent death at the hands of Satoru Gojo in “Jujutsu Kaisen 0”, Kenjaku cunningly took the opportunity to usurp Geto’s original body as a vessel for his own dark purposes. As a sorcerer with the ability to inhabit corpses, Kenjaku used this ability to successfully disguise himself as a Geta in the main story “Jujutsu Kaisen”.

This deception allowed him to infiltrate the world of jujutsu wizardry, acting under the guise of his former host while hiding his true identity as the ancient wizard, Kenjaku. Kenjaku’s possession of Geto’s body fundamentally changed the character’s behavior and motivations, turning him into a powerful antagonist with nefarious intentions.

This possession added complexity to the story as it created a two-faced figure whose actions and choices were influenced by the will and desires of the malevolent wizard residing within him. The revelation of the possession and the dual nature of the Geta and Kenjaku added layers of intrigue and suspense to the storytelling as the protagonists sought to understand and confront this formidable adversary.

Kenjaku’s possession of Geto’s body became a key plot point, setting the overarching story in motion and culminating in exciting conflicts that shaped the destinies of the characters and the world of “Jujutsu Kaisen.”

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Categories: General
Source: HIS Education

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