Lost Ark: All Luterra Castle Mokoko Seed Locations

Lutera Castle in East Lutera lost box There are ten hidden Mokoko Seeds on its map, some of them in the most hidden locations players would never think to find. The first hidden collection for Ruterra Castle can be found behind the main entrance to the city. Immediately after passing through the portal, the player can search behind the left wall to find lost box.

Next, continue further into the city and take the first left. Head south through the open dining room until you come across a pile of meat, vegetables, and other produce. Mokoko beads will be prominently placed in front of some baskets. Head north from this place, go up a few short steps and turn right. The third seed is hidden behind an umbrella on a table in the right corner of the field. The fourth and fifth Mokoko Seeds are located inside the Kadan Church, but they are not in the traditional locations of typical collections. Instead, the player must step outside the map of Castle Luterra – in other words, outside the borders – to find the seed.

Walk along the central aisle of the church and turn left when you reach the pulpit. Then go down the wall and into the black space. Two Mokoko beads will be in this gap, and lost box Steam players must overcome invisible barriers to reach them. To leave this area, the player can go back through the wall they came from.

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Luterra Castle Mokoko Lost Ark Seed Guide

The sixth Mokoko seed in Luterra Castle is located in the western part of the sanctuary. A large altar ends at the end of a red carpet decorated with lit braziers. Go behind the stone statue on the right and find collectibles in the corner. The next three seeds can be found in the same area as the fourth and fifth seeds, meaning the player must once again venture into the dark to collect the seeds.

Inside Loutra Palace, go inside until you see the bird symbol engraved on the floor. Go right and go through the closed door lost box Find the seventh, eighth and ninth Mokoko beads. As before, there are some invisible walls to move around to collect seeds. Final, lost box Fans will find the tenth seed in the tournament arena at the top of the city map. Going down the steps to the right, the player will find the Mokoko Seed behind the NPC cheering ahead.

lost box Available on PC via Steam.

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