Lost Ark: All Mokoko Seed Locations In Port Krona

When the player reaches North Fern, the eighth area lost boxIn the main campaign, they need to investigate Crown Harbor, an area where 12 Mococo Seeds are hidden on the map. Some seeds are relatively easy to spot, germinating in conspicuous places. However, other things are discreetly hidden, making it difficult for players to find them. However, nothing is too difficult lost box Players skip the search, because Mokoko Seeds are worth collecting.

Mococo Seeds can first be found in Crown Port, west of the fishing spot at the bottom of the map and south of Ruin Port. Its budding green leaves stand out among a pile of clams and other marine wildlife washed ashore. The next two seeds can be found at the top of the clock tower in Ruined Port, accessed by climbing the ladder of a secret corridor leading to the clock tower. One sat briefly to the left, while the other disappeared behind a rusted clock.

Next, lost box Fans should head to the High Seas or Central Port, where the entrance to the world map is. A seed can be found behind the Riff worker in Ocean Liner Embarkation. Crown Harbor’s Next Two Mokoko Seeds lost box A hidden spot in Central Harbor. Go up the striking stairs with an arch at the top. Halfway up the stairs, the player will notice a small alley below with two covered benches. When a female NPC walks near the opening, the player can jump to this location and find two seeds nearby and on the bench.

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Port Krona Mokoko Seed Location Guide for Lost Ark

Port Krona’s Saturday Mokoko Seed is located south of the city center and close to some stray horses. The collection is located on a ledge near some palm trees. From here, follow the path north until you come to a rustic house. In front of the gate, in front of the pot full of earth, lost box Western players can find eight Mokoko Seeds in the open space.

Continue walking northwest to the port entrance. Look for the ax stuck into the tree, then turn left to find the ninth Mokoko seed near the ledge. The tenth seed was placed prominently just south of the entrance to Lania Village. Later, lost box Fans will find the eleventh collection in the heart of Kron Forest near several silver reindeer. Finally, on the south side of the guard post, the player will find the Twelfth Mokoko Seed in front of the haystack next to the Pig Stables and Stables. lost box.

lost box Available on PC via Steam.

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