Luke Skywalker’s Exile Is Secretly What He Wanted All Along

Luke Skywalker chooses to live in exile in Star Wars: The Last Jedi Once controversial, but a comic book story reveals that he has always been secretly captivated by this path, even daydreaming about giving up on the Rebellion and living a peaceful life in a hidden corner. something of the galaxy.

After it was revealed that Luke had disappeared on the distant planet Ahch-To Divine Power AwakensFans had to wait two years to find out what the famous Jedi were doing there. the last jedi 2017 provides an answer to this mystery, revealing that Luke chose to go into exile after being unable to stop Ben Solo from falling into the dark side of the Force. This revelation is just one of many story points that have divided fans since the prequel — even actor Mark Hamill has struggled to accept Jedi giving up hope — but at least one Stories from the Expanded Universe suggest that Luke has a desire that has been silently yearning for exile.

Luke’s vision reveals his secret wish to live in exile

Luke’s vision of another life only happened once Star Wars: Age of Rebellion: Luke Skywalker #1 – Greg Pak, Chris Sprouse, Scott Koblish, Stefano Landini, Marc Deering, Karl Story, Tamra Bonvillain and Travis Lanham. The story sees Luke leading a group of rebels in an attack on an Empire oil refinery. As they fled, they were ambushed by the Imperial army. Light years away, Palpatine can sense Luke’s fear and doubt, indicating a hidden desire to get away from it all. Trying to find a weakness in Luke’s soul, the Emperor was able to influence Luke to experience the illusion of traveling to a small planet where he lived a simple life. While Palpatine says he can’t influence Luke’s desires, he can make them stand out and seduce Luke “Leave this lost war behind” And gave up his lightsaber on a distant planet to live a long, simple life as a farmer.

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Palpatine lures Luke out of the Rebellion

Luke Skywalker Force Star Wars Vision

It is a scene very rooted in classical mythology and religion. Luke is tempted by images of another life that recall the biblical concept of Christ being tempted. In fact, the original storyteller vividly described it as “Luke Skywalker’s first temptation.” The scene also makes Luke’s later Ahch-To expulsion a reality, as Luke’s vision is so similar to what happened in the sequel trilogy, ultimately succumbing to the idea that he I even existed before redeeming Vader. Palpatine may not have lured Luke away from war when he first sent his vision, but he could. finished Luke’s exile was facilitated after the creation of Kylo Ren, as he apparently learned early on that Luke was desperate to escape the wider galactic problems.

Although many Star Wars Fans see Luke’s decision to exile against everything that defines him as a hero, which is part of the point of the decision, as his family falls apart and his new Jedi Council in such a way that he can only recover after Luke is broken. end his life. Luke Skywalker’s secret desire to stop fighting and retire to a comfortable life doesn’t make him any less of a hero — in fact, it’s only in the process of overcoming those temptations that he becomes a hero. wall Correct A hero who repeatedly decides to give up his own desires to help others.

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