Monsters Inc Meets DOOM In Hilariously Demonic Meme

hellish doom Memes show disturbing similarities between demons and characters from series Monsters, Inc. id Software’s first-person shooter series puts players in the role of the Doomsday Slayer, an unstoppable warrior tearing apart hordes of evil demons. However, the series has also seen some crossovers with less strong properties, such as Doom Eternal and Doom Eternal. autumn guy The crossover has Doom Guy bouncing around cheerful and colorful landscapes.

First released in 1993, doom Widely regarded as the first true first-person shooter. The game required players to battle various demons using a vast array of weapons, and solidified the FPS genre with innovative features such as three-dimensional environments and online multiplayer.The series’ popularity continues into the modern era with id Software’s latest project Destroy eternity Launched in 2020. The series’ roster of deadly demons has grown over the years to include iconic foes like the One-Eyed Troll, the giant Mancubus, and the infamous Enraged Reaver.Fan-made crossovers, like the recently released doom-Inspiration Elden Ring Posters that help demonstrate timeless impact doom.

a funny one doom The mod, created by Reddit user theomegod, combines the series’ terrifying demons with characters from Monsters, Inc. While the two properties are completely different in tone, there are a surprising number of similarities between each game’s monster designs. Mike Wazowski bears a striking resemblance to a rotund cyclops, while his friend James P. Sullivan bears a striking resemblance to a furry gladiator. The serpentine Randall resembles Whiplash, while the arachnid Waternoose looks like the technological Spider Mastermind. An apt comparison between Raz and the giant Mancubus completes this awesome meme, which describes the comparison as “Actors ruined by drugs.

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While memes are an excellent source of comic crossovers, fan projects like spongebob square pants The module is doom Push the limits of interaction further.This strange mod is called bikini massacre, tells the story of aloof octopus Tentacles after he is fired from his customer service job at the Krusty Krab. As Squidward, players will embark on a rampage of revenge in the traditional Bikini Bottom. doom style. Unique weapons such as bubbles and shovels are available, and enemies include jellyfish and various underwater inhabitants.

Despite the obvious differences between the two series, there are striking similarities between the character designs doom and Monsters, Inc. However, the fighting creatures in id Software’s first-person shooter series look like horrifically corrupted versions of characters from Pixar’s beloved animated films.although doom Demons may be scary; Monsters, Inc Fans know that laughter is more powerful than screams.

Source: theomegod/Reddit

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