My family will be horrified when they learn who I’m sleeping with

DEAR DEIDRE: I’ve fallen deeply in love with my cousin and want to go public with our relationship, but I’m terrified of what people will think.

He is everything I have ever wanted, but I know very well that our family would never approve of that.

I’m 38, he’s 40, and we’ve been secretly dating for a little over a year.

We always got along well growing up, but I can’t say we were ever that close. It’s been years since I last saw him when we bumped into each other at the bar.

That night we had a few too many drinks together and one thing led to another and before we knew it we were back at his place.

At first I couldn’t believe what we had done. I felt so embarrassed, but I couldn’t shake this eternal feeling that I actually liked him.

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I had never felt so connected to someone and even though I knew it was wrong, I wanted it to happen again.

After that day we started seeing each other regularly and it quickly became obvious that it was more than just sex.

I couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with him. He is so kind, considerate and romantic.

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We tried our best to stay away from each other, but it never worked, and now we’re in love.

He keeps telling me that I’m the only one he wants and that he wants to build a future together.

Still, I can’t help but worry about what would happen to our relationship if our family found out.

What can we do?

DEIDRE SAYS: In the UK there is no law against you having a relationship with your cousin, but culturally it is frowned upon by many and generally considered socially unacceptable.

There’s no guarantee how your family will react, but if you’re serious about your relationship, it’s better to be honest and open with them.

Their reaction will probably be worse if you hide your relationship and they find out on their own.

This is going to be a tough conversation so read my Standing Up For Yourself support pack.

Ultimately, the most important relationship to consider is the one between you and your relative.

If your relationship progresses and you decide you want children, it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor and get genetic counseling to deal with possible comments from family and friends.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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