My girlfriend and best friend had sex together while I was asleep in the same room

DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend and my best friend had sex while I was passed out on the sofa next to them.

I’m at a loss that they would even have sex, but doing it while I’m in the same room seems disrespectful.

I am a 32-year-old lesbian, and my partner is 30. We have been together for almost two years. I thought I knew her, but apparently I don’t.

The night they cheated was the first time I questioned her commitment.

A group of us went to my friend’s place for drinks and ended up getting very drunk. I was upset because my partner seemed completely focused on my friend.

I accused her of flirting, but she convinced me that they were talking about me, so I let it go.

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My friend is supposed to be straight, but I still felt an attraction between them.

We ended up sleeping through it, and the next morning I woke up with my girlfriend on the sofa. My friend was in her bedroom, but my feeling was that something was wrong.

For the next few days my girlfriend was very secretive with her phone, so I looked when she left the room.

I saw my friend’s texts saying how terrible she felt for “doing that” next to me. In subsequent messages, they agreed to never tell me.

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Since then, my girlfriend and I have been working on our relationship. She was very upset and was trying to make it up to me.

Now I have a dilemma what to do with my friend.

We all work together and see each other regularly. Now he ignores me and we haven’t spoken since.

I didn’t do anything wrong, so why am I trying to solve this?

DEIDRE SAYS: Maybe they were drunk, but it sounds like your friend is having a hard time getting her behavior together.

Maybe she feels embarrassed and this probably made her question her own sexuality. Whatever the reason, can you find a way to talk to her?

Send her a message and ask to meet, away from work, where you can have a polite conversation.

If he continues to avoid contact, you will have to accept that he cannot adapt.

This isn’t about anything you’ve done, and it would be best to accept that your friendship won’t stand this test.

Focus on your relationship and other friendships and eventually the awkwardness will go away.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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