DEAR DEIDRE: My girlfriend tried my kink once, but she said it was so disgusting that she wouldn’t have fun with it anymore.
I’m not a transvestite and I don’t want to be a woman. But the only way I can enjoy intimacy is to wear fishnet leggings.
This is destroying our relationship and my partner is now avoiding sex.
I am 45 and she is 39. We have been together for five years.
I’ve always had a thing for fishnets – especially the flesh-colored ones that dancers wear – but they’ve never really been a big part of my sex life before.
When I was younger, I had normal sex. I would fantasize about fishnets and watch videos of women wearing them, but no one knew.
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Sometimes I would ask my girlfriends to wear a pair. They were generally happy to oblige.
But over the years I realized that it was not enough. I started borrowing tights from my lovers, then I bought them and wore them when I was single.
There’s something about the texture and the holes that does it for me.
The problem is that now when I want to have sex, I have to wear tights.
Without them, my body won’t function. My partner thought my erection problems were because she wasn’t attractive enough.
In the end I admitted the truth. I asked if we could have sex while wearing leggings. She agreed and we managed to make love successfully.
But she said it really turns her on and she doesn’t want me to wear them in the bedroom every time. How can we solve this?
DEIDRE SAYS: Your need to wear leggings to be sexually stimulated is a kind of fetish.
They are much more common than you think and generally stem from early experiences while your sexual preferences were developing.
My fetish support pack explains more. They are not always problematic, unless they start to interfere with your daily life and relationships – as yours are now.
For you, sex and tights have become inextricably linked. The inability to achieve an erection is often a psychological problem. If your brain isn’t excited, your body won’t be.
It would be helpful to have some sex and relationship therapy, alone or with a partner. My Sex Therapy Support Package explains more.
Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education