My husband cheated with his golf partner who is 20 years younger than me

DEAR DEIDRE: MY husband left me with no worries about his golfing partner.

We are both in our fifties and his new girlfriend is in her 30s.

We never had any problems until one day I realized that he was going golfing much more often than before.

He and his friends from work would go twice a week after the office, but then it got to the point where he played so often that I was lucky if I even got to see him after work.

I was caught completely off guard one day when I came home to find all his things gone and a note on the kitchen table explaining that he had fallen in love with a woman he met at the gym.

Turns out she was working there while my partner and his friends were going on a course.

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Later, she started joining them in their games, and at one point my husband started an affair with her, despite the fact that she was also in a relationship.

Now I face a new reality without the man I love.

I have been with my husband for 15 years and we have had a great life together.

I feel like this other woman just wants his money.

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He drives a new Range Rover and is always well dressed.

And as for him, it’s clear that he enjoys his younger roughness.

I keep picturing him realizing he’s made a huge mistake and coming back to me, but after nine months there aren’t many signs of that happening.

My life was torn apart by this woman and I don’t know how I will recover and start my life from scratch.

DEIDRE SAYS: You’re going to go through a whole range of emotions after this sudden breakup.

It is natural to think and hope that he will come back and complain.

But as you say, it’s been nine months and there are very few signs that your ex is coming back.

We cannot force someone to regain feelings that have disappeared.

As hard as it is to begin with, it seems like you would be much better off putting your energy into moving forward with your life.

There’s a time to cry and complain about how you’ve been treated badly, but there’s also a time to start putting things back together.

Confide in friends and family about how you feel and, when you feel stronger, take the opportunity to date again.

When you’re ready, join new clubs and socialize again, making new friends will help you enjoy all that life has to offer.

My support package, Moving On, will help you.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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