Netflix’s Inside Job Characters, Ranked By Likability

While Netflix’s new adult animated show inner workings The show features many crazy conspiracies, such as cloning and faking the moon landing, and it’s the colorful cast of central characters that holds the show together and grounds the bizarre storylines at an emotional core that viewers can invest in.

Due to the nature of the characters’ jobs, many of the main characters are selfish and power-hungry, such as J.R. Scheimpough and ROBOTUS, while other characters are fun and interesting but create problems at work, such as Magic Myc and Dr. Andre. But even within the Deep State, some characters manage to come off as sympathetic and likable, like Reagan Ridley and Brett Hand.

JR Shampo

As CEO of Cognito, JR Scheimpough did some very bad things. He believed that the only way to succeed and advance his career was to dare to say or do whatever needed to be done, no matter who he hurt in the process.

JR is a mean and selfish boss who doesn’t care about his employees, as shown by the fact that he rewards them with cheap tote bags for a record-breaking year, which upsets the entire team. All he cares about is getting richer and more powerful, making him one of the worst on-screen bosses in recent television history.


In Inside Job, a robot is trapped inside a glass tube

ROBOTUS is Cognito’s attempt to replace the President of the United States with a robot. However, the plan goes awry when the robots gain self-awareness and become determined to wipe out humanity. His cunning and villainy make him one of the best animated robots in a long time, but he’s far from likeable.

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As a killer robot seeking to destroy humanity, ROBOTUS doesn’t have many redeeming qualities or likable qualities.One of his endearing quirks is his love of sitcoms friends Although he was locked up by Reagan, he was otherwise a terrifying and dangerous figure.

Rand Ridley

Rand Ridley holds up a flyer about his book

Former Cognito CEO Rand Ridley has become a self-destructive and paranoid man willing to expose the deep state whenever it suits him. He was a selfish and tired man who always made Reagan’s life more difficult.

As if his rampant selfishness wasn’t reason enough to dislike him, the revelation that Rand manipulated Reagan’s childhood memories for his own benefit was the nail in the coffin. Rand is one of the most interesting characters on the show, but his selfishness also easily makes him one of the least likeable.

Glenn Dorfman

Reagan stands at Glenn's desk in

One of the show’s strangest characters is Glenn Dorfman, the first volunteer for the human-dolphin hybrid super-soldier project. He was an extreme patriot with very strong political views.

Glenn is a strange character, but the show does intentionally make him more sympathetic and likable by having Brett switch bodies with him and go through a day in his difficult life. While he may be extreme and dysfunctional, Glenn is likable because of his background and everything he encounters in his family life.


Dr. Andre talks to Brett Hand on Inside Job

As head of biochemistry at Cognito, Dr. Andre is constantly experimenting with different chemicals and substances. However, this also involves ingesting many of these and other substances. Because of this, his character is defined by his unpredictability and desire to party.

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While Dr. Andre isn’t as deep or fleshed out as some of the other characters, he is a lighthearted and fun presence on the show. Dr. Andre is the self-proclaimed wild card of the group, and his antics make it easy to enjoy his screen time.

Gigi Thompson

Gigi Thompson and Magic Myc attend Inside Job session

Gigi Thompson is Cognito’s director of media manipulation and subliminal messaging, an extremely important job on a TV show about conspiracy theories. Because of this, she often participated in office gossip and always had a flair for the dramatic, claiming that no one on the team noticed her.

Unlike some of her colleagues, Gigi’s job is actually great and relatively normal. She rarely creates problems like others and mostly doesn’t slip into dysfunction. Gigi’s role isn’t as big as some of the others, but she’s enjoyable in the role she plays.


Magic Myc touches Brett's head in

Perhaps the strangest character on the show, Magic Myc is a psychic creature from the bowels of the inner Earth. He is a comical and sarcastic creature whose non-human form is often mined for comedy, such as his frustration at receiving a handbag since he already has so many arms to carry things.

He basically recreated the subplot ET It’s particularly enjoyable to hang out with a bunch of kids and annoy them until they can’t take it anymore. He does a great job realizing the interesting workplace slacker archetype and adding color to every scene he’s in. Even though Magic Myc is the least relatable character among the main characters, he’s so interesting and unique that he becomes one of the most likable presences on the show.

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Reagan Ridley


As the show’s protagonist, Regan gets the most screen time to endear herself to the audience. She is a smart and ambitious person who strives to do things the right way and promises to run the company with a strong sense of ethics when she takes over.

However, her ambition does lead her to make some questionable choices at times, such as leaving a robot in her secret lab and trying to reprogram it without telling the rest of the team. Reagan mostly means well and has a lot to deal with, which makes some of her actions all the more justified. The fact that she still retains her morals and functionality, considering everything she’s been through, makes her an easy character to like and root for.

Brett Hand

Reagan and Brett stand side by side in

While Brett Hand is initially introduced as a shallow yes-man who thwarts Regan’s plans, he proves himself to be an incredibly caring and likable character throughout the rest of the season . He had a strong moral compass and was always trying to convince Reagan to do the right thing.

His authenticity and wholesomeness ultimately win over Regan, especially when she learns of his sad past and the ways his family neglected him. Brett is a compassionate and genuine person and is easily the sweetest guy here. inner workings.

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