DEAR DEIDRE: As I prepared to confess everything about my affair to my husband, nothing could have prepared me for his reaction.
I lost my head, regularly kissed and fondled one of his friends and was in an intense emotional affair. We have deep feelings for each other.
When I told my husband I was worried he would get mad, maybe even threaten to kick me out, instead he told me he was horny!
Now I am the one who is destroyed.
I am 33 years old and my husband is 35 years old. We have been together for 11 years and have two sons.
The only reason I decided to tell my husband was because a mutual friend saw me and my lover kissing after a party.
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From then on I was terrified that she would expose us by telling my husband or my lover’s wife.
When this mutual friend started posting quotes on her Facebook page about lying and cheating. I know they were targeting me and it was game over.
I couldn’t take the stress anymore, so I told my husband what I was up to, and he laughed.
He certainly didn’t mind my big confession and even suggested that I could continue kissing other men.
I am so confused and feel trapped. I don’t believe my lover will leave his family and yet my husband has effectively told me he doesn’t care about our affair.
I’m pretty sure my husband cheated on me in the past even though he never directly admitted it.
Really all I want is to be loved, yet a man who genuinely cares can’t be with me, while my husband wouldn’t give a monkey’s.
DEIDRE SAYS: Your desire to feel loved has pushed you into this risky reality. If your lover doesn’t want to leave his family, you know the relationship can’t go anywhere and you’re simply delaying the inevitable.
Tell him it’s over and messing around isn’t your style.
Then you have to decide if you and your husband have a future.
It certainly sounds like he took you for granted, leaving you emotionally available for an affair.
Sit him down and ask him to be honest with you. You have two children and at least for their sake it is worth trying to work things out between you.
How did things get so complacent between you and is there a way back for your marriage?
My Cheating Can You Get Over It support package will help you both.
Fiona Bruce went hysterical after appearing in a strange issue of Dear Deidre
Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education