One Piece Reveals Wano’s Secret History & Why Kaido Was Obsessed With It

Warning: Contains spoilers piece Chapter 1055

With the latest piece Chapter, the secret history of Wano is finally revealed and its relevance to the overall story. The idea of ​​opening Wano’s borders has never been more realistic, and Chapter 1055 reveals huge secrets about ancient weapons. Furthermore, this chapter reinforces the belief that Kaido actually had good reasons to seize control of Wano for decades.

exist piece In Chapter 1055, readers learn that Kozuki Oden’s father Sukiyaki has been hiding a huge secret from everyone. Sukiyaki leads Nico Robin and Trafalgar Law down the old moldy stairs, where he explains why Kaido wants Wano. He reveals that the three of them are already below sea level, and tells Robin and Law to look through the glass window hidden at the end of the small space. What they saw was absolutely shocking – a completely sunken ancient city, the First Wano Country. Sukiyaki then reveals that this original Wano country is about 800 years old, dating back to before the Hollow Century.

The lore surrounding Wano was already a crazy development, but somehow things just got even crazier. Sukiyaki goes on to explain that the original Wano Island was built 800 years ago, but for some mysterious reason, a wall was built around the island, causing rainwater to collect. This water eventually completely filled the land of Wano, forcing the people of Wano to move their country higher up Mount Fuji. This collection of rainwater is why Luffy and Big Mom have to climb up to enter the huge waterfall in Wano Country. However, the story doesn’t end there, as Sukiyaki shows Robin and Law Road Shishu. He then reveals why Wano’s borders are so important – opening them will unleash the ancient weapon Pluto. The act of opening Wano’s borders is repeated like a mantra throughout the Wano arc, and this reveal shows readers why Kaido was so obsessed with Wano in the first place.

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A long time ago, Kaido was one of the rising stars in the pirate world, and if all goes well, he could easily become the Pirate King. It seems that at some point in his life, Kaido’s journey began to parallel Joyboy’s, and his meeting with King was very reminiscent of Luffy’s meeting with Zoro. This is also reflected in Kaido’s ordering and production of SMILE fruits, which are actually substitutes for the smiles Joyboy is said to inspire around the this time piece, Kaido still has a wealth of information about the world and its history, and he has never given up on it. One of the messages may be the importance of Wano’s borders, as stated in Quran Chapter 1055. piece Confirming that one of his crewmates, Jack, discovered road history inscriptions beneath a basin of rainwater collected in the old Wano, and possibly even Pluto.

While it’s unclear why Oden opened Wano’s borders or what this has to do with One Piece, it will certainly be interesting to see how Momonosuke reacts to all this information considering he now has the power to decide what to do . With Kazuno.Hopefully Kaido’s knowledge of the world’s true history will be explained at some point in the future, but piece The revelation about Wano in Chapter 1055 proves that he must know something that the other four sons do not.

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