Only Murders In The Building: 10 Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Mabel

Only Murders in the Building has quickly established itself as one of the most amusing, and beloved, series on Hulu, and it’s already renewed for a third season. Though, as its title suggests, it deals with the unpleasantness of murder, it also never loses sight of the fact that it is a sweet comedy about the extraordinary friendship between three residents of an historic building in New York City.

One of these is, of course, Mabel, arguably the most complex of the three. Despite her complicated nature, there are a number of quotes that actually do a good job of summing up her personality.

“Is It Cancer? I Just Need To Know How Invested I Should Get In You.”

Season 1, Episode 3

The relationship between the main characters is a high point in the series and, in this quote, Mabel demonstrates her wicked (if understated) sense of humor. Querying Charles about his nosebleed, and suggesting that it might be cancer is ultimately Mabel’s way of deflecting the concern that she so genuinely feels for her friend.

It’s very much in keeping with her general personality, which often leads her to distance herself, even from those that she should be closest to. As time will show, Mabel’s ability to distance herself from feelings will come to be one of her most notable character traits.

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“Do I Wanna Break Into A Dead Guy’s Apartment And Go Through All His S***? Sounds Like An Afternoon.”

Season 1, Episode 2

Charles, Mabel, and Oliver ride the elevator in Only Murders

Like all of the best murder mysteries, Only Murders involves quite a lot of investigation from the three leads. In this quote, Mabel reveals what gradually becomes one of the most notable aspects of her personality: a willingness to take a risk. ​​​​​​​

Of course, it is also delivered with her signature deadpan delivery, demonstrating Mabel’s general lack of enthusiasm for most things. While she tries to hide behind her cynicism, however, the truth is that she wants to get to the bottom of it as much as Charles and Oliver do.

“Women Who Knock Rarely Make History.”

Season 1, Episode 6

Mabel looking stunned in Only Murders in the Building

There’s no question that Mabel is one of Selena Gomez’s best roles, and with quotes like this, it’s easy to see why. For all of her ironic distance from the world around her, the truth is that Maybe really is a young woman who doesn’t want to be restrained by the expectations that many have of her gender.

With this quote, she demonstrates the extent to which she will be willing to go the extreme mile in solving the crime, and it also shows her sharp sense of humor to great effect.

“Even In Death, Bunny Figures Out A Way To Give You The Bird.”

Season 2, Episode 2

The Only Murders crew walking down the street

Bunny is one of the best secondary characters of Only Murders, and her antagonism toward Oliver is one of the most notable aspects of her personality. In this quote, Mabel gently pokes fun at the fact that, even after her death, Bunny finds a way to make Oliver’s life miserable (in this case by bequeathing him her very loud and obnoxious parrot).

It’s just like Mabel to find at least a glimmer of humor in what is undoubtedly a very stressful and awful situation (especially since she is one of the prime suspects in the murder).

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“I Have To Flip The Pieces Now. All Of Them. Otherwise, I’ll Never See The Full Picture.”

Season 7, Episode 7

Mabel walking down the street wearing headphones in Only Murders In The Building

As the second season goes on, the viewer comes to learn a great deal more about Mabel and what makes her work. In this quote, she reveals the extent to which she has long disassociated herself from the stress and strain around her, whether it’s the murder or her father’s terminal illness.

At the same time, it also shows just how willing she is to finally confront the fact that, for far too long, she has been willing to not deal with the reality that faces her.

“Seventy’s The New Forty.”

Season 1, Episode 4

Charles Oliver and Mabel looking at something intently

One of the things that characterizes Mabel as a character is her willingness to give the men in her life the flack she thinks they deserve. It’s her own unique way of showing them affection, but there’s always a bit of a barb in what she has to say.

However, beneath the snark, there is clearly a genuine fondness between Mabel and Charles, since she is trying to encourage him to pursue Jan for a relationship. Whatever else she might do, Mabel will always look out for her friends.

“As I Said It’s A Lot. Don’t Be Here If You Don’t Like A Lot.”

Season 1, Episode 1

Charles, Oliver, and Mabel looking surprised in Only Murders in the Building

This is one of the first lines that Mabel utters, and it’s delivered via an internal monologue. It’s a bracing comment, and it’s one of those moments where she reveals just how self-aware she is as a character. ​​​​​​​

In fact, of the three main characters, she is the one who seems to have the greatest amount of self-awareness. She ultimately knows that there are many times when she can, in fact, be a lot, and she wants the viewer to be as aware of that fact as she is.

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“$200 On The Upper West Side Will Just Get Me A Bagel And A Soy Latte.”

Season 2, Episode 4

Mabel defends herself from a stranger on Only Murders in the Building

Like all of the best TV shows set in New York City, Only Murders isn’t afraid to point out just how ridiculously expensive things in that city can be. Mabel, of course, is just the type of person to say this, as she has a clear-eyed view of the world.

While she clearly enjoys living in the hustle and bustle of the city – it’s hard to imagine her living anywhere else in the world – this quote reveals the extent to which she knows it as well as she knows herself, flaws and all.

“It’s A Place That Makes You Binge Dateline So You Don’t End Up On Dateline.”

Season 1, Episode 1

Only Murders in the Building Charles Oliver and Mabel with suspect board

There’s no question that Mabel is one of the smartest characters on Only Murders in the Building. She has a very keen sense of perception, one that allows her to see to the heart of anything, whether that’s a murder case or the city in which she lives.

In this quote, she once again reveals just how much she knows about the city that she lives in and, just as importantly, she also demonstrates that wry sense of humor that will become such a key part of her persona as the series unfolds.

“Who Was Tim Kono? I’m Gonna F***Ing Find Out.”

Season 1, Episode 2

Tim Kono on his phone in Only Murders in the Building

Almost from the beginning of the series, Mabel demonstrated a willingness to get to the bottom of the murder of Tim Kono. For her, it wasn’t enough to just sit by and let others do the work. ​​​​​​​

As this quote demonstrates, she was, and is, the type of person to want to get to the bottom of a mystery, even though it might take her to some dark places. As her various travails reveal, her decision to get to the bottom of Tim Kono would have a profound impact on her life.


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