OSSC Result 2022/2023 JEA, Assistant Operator & Others Merit list

OSSC Result 2022/2023:- The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) is a government agency responsible for conducting various recruitment exams for various departments and organizations in the state of Odisha. The OSSC conducts exams for various positions such as clerks, assistants, and other non-gazetted officers.

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OSSC Result 2022/2023

Every year, the OSSC releases the results of these exams on its official website. Candidates who have appeared for the OSSC exams can check their results by visiting the OSSC website and providing their roll number and other required details.

The OSSC Result 2022/2023 is expected to be released in the coming months. Candidates who have appeared for the OSSC exams can stay updated about the result release date by visiting the OSSC website regularly or by subscribing to notifications from the OSSC.

Once the OSSC Result 2022/2023 is released, candidates can check their results by following these steps:

  1. Visit the OSSC official website – http://www.ossc.gov.in/.
  2. Click on the “Results” tab on the homepage.
  3. Look for the OSSC Result 2022/2023 for the relevant exam and click on it.
  4. Enter your roll number and other required details.
  5. The OSSC Result 2022/2023 will be displayed on the screen.

It is important for candidates to check their OSSC Result 2022/2023 carefully and ensure that all the information is correct. In case of any errors or discrepancies, candidates can contact the OSSC and request correction.

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Candidates who qualify in the OSSC exams will be eligible for the next stage of the recruitment process, which may include an interview or other assessment. It is important for candidates to prepare well and perform their best in order to secure their desired position.

Odisha SSC Result 2022/2023

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has recently announced the result of the recruitment examination held in 2022/2023. This examination was conducted for various posts in the state government departments and organizations.

Candidates who appeared for the examination can check their results on the official website of the OSSC. The result has been released in the form of a merit list, which contains the names of the selected candidates along with their roll numbers.

How to Calculate OSSC Result 2022/2023 Marks?

The OSSC result 2022/2023 marks are calculated based on the marks scored in the written exam and the interview. The written exam is divided into two parts – Part A and Part B. Part A consists of multiple-choice questions, while Part B consists of descriptive questions. The marks scored in both parts are added to calculate the total marks scored in the written exam.

The marks scored in the interview are also considered while calculating the OSSC result 2022 marks. The interview marks are usually based on the candidate’s communication skills, knowledge of the subject, and overall personality.

To calculate your OSSC result 2022/2023 marks, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Add the marks scored in Part A and Part B of the written exam.
  2. Add the marks scored in the interview to the marks scored in the written exam.
  3. The total marks obtained by you in the written exam and the interview are your OSSC result 2022/2023 marks.
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It is important to note that the OSSC result 2022/2023 marks are calculated based on the cut-off marks set by the commission. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks that a candidate must score to qualify for the next round of the recruitment process.

How to Download the OSSC Result 2022/2023?

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) is responsible for conducting recruitment exams for various government jobs in the state of Odisha. Candidates who have appeared for an OSSC exam are eagerly waiting for the release of the results. If you are one of them, here is a guide on how to download the OSSC result 2022/2023.

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) at www.ossc.gov.in.
  • Step 2: On the homepage, you will see a link for the “Results” section. Click on it.
  • Step 3: A new page will open where you will see a list of all the OSSC exam results that have been released so far.
  • Step 4: Look for the result that you want to download and click on the link.
  • Step 5: A new page will open where you will be asked to enter your roll number or registration number and date of birth.
  • Step 6: Enter the required information and click on the “Submit” button.
  • Step 7: Your OSSC result will be displayed on the screen.
  • Step 8: Download the result and take a printout for future reference.

It is important to note that the OSSC result will be available online only for a limited period of time. Therefore, it is advisable to download the result as soon as it is released and keep a copy with you for future reference.

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If you face any difficulty while downloading the OSSC result, you can contact the OSSC helpline number or send an email to the OSSC customer care email id. The contact details can be found on the official website of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC).

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