Our Flag Means Death: 8 Characters Based On Actual People

Historical fiction is a genre that sometimes requires a lot of research, and sometimes it doesn’t. Our flag means death It’s a historical pirate rom-com that’s as anachronistic as it is historical, with a fascinating cast of characters who are both familiar and unfamiliar.

The show’s creator and screenwriter, David Jenkins, has publicly stated that his research doesn’t go beyond the general history of gentleman pirate Steve Burnett. But he has a strong writing room behind him, and he might be surprised by how closely some of these characters relate to their real-life counterparts.

Stadler Bonnet

Steed Burnett Smiling Means Death in

main protagonist Our flag means death Stede Bonnet, “The Gentleman Pirate,” was a far cry from the bravado image we have of pirates today. Bonnet, who was also a real-life Vikingsman, did catch the attention of Blackbeard, who worked with him on several occasions. The reality of their relationship is hard to pin down, but the show’s story makes very clear what they see in each other.

Throughout the show, Bonnet and Blackbeard grow closer and closer, eventually developing a fragile and dramatic romance, or as close as they can get in 10 episodes. While this isn’t a definite aspect of reality, it does represent an accurate portrayal of life on a pirate ship. Same-sex relationships were common among pirates, sometimes platonically as a way of ensuring safety, but often romantic. Life at sea was often the only way for LGBTQ+ people to live freely at the time.

Blackbeard/Edward Teach

Taika Waititi as Blackbeard in

Edward “Blackbeard” Teach was one of the most notorious pirates of the Golden Age of Piracy, which lasted from approximately 1650 to 1730. The real Teach himself was most active around the turn of the century and was indeed interested in real life. Stadler. To be fair, however, the legend of Blackbeard and the reality of Edward Teach are difficult to separate. In this way, the show retains a very realistic depiction of pirates.

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Throughout the series, Blackbeard has had to dispel or clarify many of the legends surrounding him, some of which left him frustrated or uncomfortable. The combination of legend and reality is ingrained in the character, as viewers see when he talks about his father being killed by a siren – only to reveal that he is “the siren.” The show does a great job of keeping the characters realistic while not being restricted by men.

mary burnett

Claudia O'Doherty as Mary Bonnet in Our Flag Means Death

Mary Burnett was a real woman, and she married Steed before he went to sea. Her maiden name was Mary Allamby, and her constant nagging is said to have driven him into piracy—a claim that may be more misogyny than fact. In fact, the misogyny of the time may well have prompted the show to portray her as a woman who took advantage of the opportunities her husband’s piracy presented to her.

mary burnett Our flag means death is a woman who is extremely dissatisfied with her married life, largely due to her and Stead’s lack of passion for each other. But when her husband “died” at sea, she was left a widow. In real life, widowhood often brings women a unique status in life, where they have money, social status, etc., and are no longer bound by their husbands – whom they are often arranged to marry.

king george

King George in our flag means death.

The King George in the series is not given a number, but the King George from the pirate era is supposed to be King George I. Our flag means death He appears in commercial breaks either to provide setting, background, or as a distant antagonist to the outlaw crew of Stadler’s ship revenge. While it’s difficult to say whether the character of King George in the show is realistic, many of his actions are actually very historically accurate.

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One of the major plot points is the real-life War of the Spanish Succession, known as the Spanish War in the show. The war was essentially the result of the death of King Charles II of Spain, leaving no heir. This resulted in most of the European powers of the time, such as Britain and France, fighting to seize territory from the Spanish Empire. It was very realistic that King George would pardon the pirates if they joined the cause.

Spanish Jackie

Leslie Jones as Spanish Jackie

Spanish Jackie is the show’s formidable and brutal antagonist, willing to kill anyone she has to in order to remain in power. The pirates on which the character is based are “real” because of the Caribbean legend of a pirate named Jacquotte Delahaye. However, she is one of many pirates for whom it is difficult to determine whether they are real or just legend.

Just like in the show, the legendary Jacot is said to have captured the Caribbean island of Tortuga and made a home for himself there. The show’s Spanish Jackie leads the Pirate Republic, a real-life pirate alliance based in Nassau, Bahamas. Jackie is a character who mixes and matches legend and fiction very freely, yet creates a TV character that is almost more real than the real-life legend.

Hands of Israel “Izzy”

Izzy's hand on our flag means death

Israel Hand is Blackbeard’s first mate in real life, an image that fits the story perfectly. As Blackbeard’s trusted companion, he is often appointed captain temporarily, or when he is awarded a part of Blackbeard’s fleet. The show does a good job of showing Izzy’s loyalty throughout the series, handling the realities that First Mate requires well.

Izzy has been portrayed numerous times in many media, from Assassin’s Creed Black Flag to classic treasure island. This characterization is shown very directly in his relationship with Blackbeard. The historical figure is rarely discussed as an individual, and the show does a great job of showing how Izzy lives for the pirate life, and Blackbeard is all about it.

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calico jack

Will Arnett as Calico Jack in 'Our Flag Means Death'

Calico Jack appeared later in the show as Blackbeard’s old friend, often drunk, violent, and chaotic. His presence was brief but far-reaching, quickly disrupting the stable state. revengesociety. While Calico Jack is portrayed as a downright scary guy, the real Calico Jack is far more complex — and respectable, by pirate standards.

John Rackam was a pirate named for his brightly colored calico clothing. He was active in the last generation of pirates and gained fame for deposing the previous captain. During his career, he was captured, escaped, or gave up piracy several times before eventually meeting his lover, Anne Bonny. He will lead her into the life of a pirate.


Our Flag Means Death Episode 4 Jim (Vico Ortiz)

Speaking of Anne Bonny, Jim is a unique character based on multiple real-life pirates. There are many stories of noncisgender male individuals hiding their pirate identities, either for safety among men or as an identity-affirming journey. Jim’s story is heavily inspired by Anne Bonny and Mary Reed, who are cross-dressing. Pretending to be on the same boat, the two women quickly become close.

The character in the play first disguises himself as Jim, an evil mute. It soon becomes apparent that they are not men and that they are fleeing Jackie in Spain who is married to the man who killed their family. The show quickly wraps up their reveal, but when their gender is questioned, Jim says they’re not a man or a woman — just Jim. The character is unique and realistic, played by Vico Ortiz, himself a non-binary actor.

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