Overwatch 2: Cassidy Character Guide (Best Tips & Strategies)

Cole Cassidy, formerly Jesse McCree, brings a taste of the Wild Wild West to Overwatch 2, and learning the damage hero can change a match’s tide. Cassidy is a cowboy with a thirst for justice who has a storied history in the Overwatch franchise. Cassidy is a Damage Hero who is quick to the draw and formidable against any other DPS Heroes in a duel. His red cloak looks techier in Overwatch 2, and he has more padding and armor from his base look in Overwatch. Additionally, the play style for Cassidy has changed from Overwatch to Overwatch 2, with some buffs that make the gunslinger smoother on the draw.

A significant change for Cassidy in Overwatch 2 is that he has traded in the Flash Bang Grenades for Magnetic Grenades. The Magnetic Grenade is a refreshing addition for Cassidy players. It is relatively easy to use and takes out 130 health points from the enemy it’s stuck to and 65 health points in explosion damage to any enemies in the radius. Sticking even the fastest-moving opponents is more manageable than landing a Flash Bang, and beginner enemy players may politely bring some damage to the rest of the opposing team as they retreat.

With the change from a 6V6 to 5V5 format in Overwatch 2, Cassidy will have a higher percentage of low-health opponents to pick off, which is his primary function. The robotic armed Cowboy has his trusty revolver “Peacekeeper” out of the holster and ready for showdowns. Fan the Hammer fires off several shots in succession from Peacekeeper, and in Overwatch 2, the fire rate has increased. A popular combo in the original Overwatch used a Flash Bang to stun an opponent and move in for a close-range blast from Fan The Hammer. Players can use a similar technique still, but enemies will be able to fire back with a sticky grenade attached to them, so it is riskier.

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Aim For the Head

It may sound simple, but the easiest way to earn eliminations playing with Cassidy is by learning to land headshots that do 140 damage consistently. Squishy heroes have the health of around 200, mostly Support Heroes and Damage Heroes like Hanzo. A headshot will either eliminate a weakened Squishy or make them severely reconsider what they are doing. Hanzo will be a character Cassidy can expect to see in ranged battles with his Storm Bow aimed and ready to go.

Peacekeeper has solid range, but Hanzo and other Heroes have a slight advantage the further away the shooting is. Finding a corner or wall that will bring enemies in for a medium-range gunfight is best. When an enemy is in the air, they have less control over movement, so it is easier to land a headshot, so keep an eye out for airborne combatants for easy kills.

Stick to a Game Plan

Cassidy Throwing Magnetic Grenade In Overwatch 2

The Magnetic Grenades are new and have Overwatch 2 players of all rankings grinding to formulate combos and maximize the weapon’s potential. Magnetic Grenades are effective when enemies are in a group peaking around a corner. If the player can land one on a peaking enemy, it forces them to back up into teammates and share the damage. Pre-firing Magnetic Grenades around corners is also an excellent way to gain an early advantage in a duel before the enemy sees you coming.

Teams tend to bunch up around objective areas, so tossing a Magnetic Grenade into a crowd like that will mess up a game plan. One of Tracer’s abilities is a good counter if an enemy Cassidy is spamming Magnetic Grenades. In Overwatch 2, Tracer can use Recall and dodge the Magnetic Grenade if she gets stuck.

Make the Sacrifice Play

Cassidy in Overwatch 2

When playing as Cassidy, sometimes it’s worth trading lives if it means taking out a team’s healer, like Overwatch 2 Support Hero Ana, who should be a high-value target. Flanking is risky but crucial to secure victory, and Cassidy is one of the best in the game. Flanking is the tactic of getting behind the opponent’s front line to remove the support and create an opening in their defenses. Pulling this off requires a quick trigger and timing the Combat Roll Ability to get in and out of enemy defenses and land fanning shots at close range. Then, when the enemy team is close to a wipe, charging in with guns blazing can finish the job, even if it is a high-risk play.

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Target The Right Heroes With Deadeye

Cassidy Using Deadeye in Overwatch 2

Deadeye makes Cassidy stand still like he’s in an Old Western, which leaves him vulnerable. Any experienced enemies will hear “It’s High Noon,” knowing Cassidy is looking for death blows and head for the hills until Deadeye runs out. It can be one of the more difficult Ultimate abilities to land, so make sure you use it to target a team’s Tank Hero, like D.Va, whose mech suit gives her one of the top Hit Point counts in Overwatch 2. Deadeye gives Cassidy a 40 percent damage reduction when activated. If the player has a few enemies in their sights or a high-value target, take the shot as the window closes quickly.

Utilize Tanks Abilities

Winston Using Barrier Projection in Overwatch 2

Cassidy primarily operates as a Lone Ranger, but there are some scenarios where help from a teammate comes in handy. Teaming up with Reinhardt can give players cover while picking and popping opponents. Reinhardt’s Barrier Field ability creates a shield that takes up to 1200 points of damage before shattering. Winston is an excellent Hero to communicate with for the same reason as Reinhardt. Winston’s Shield Protector combos well with Cassidy, giving an extra layer of protection while Cassidy exchanges gunfire. In Overwatch 2, Winston’s Support Abilities can make a big difference when using Dead Eye. With the added defense, Cassidy has a better chance of landing more kill shots with Deadeye under the veil of Winston’s Barrier Projector.

Cassidy only has six rounds in the chamber, so making the most of his shots and reloading with Combat Roll is crucial. An excellent way to get Peacekeeper’s trajectory down and learn the Magnetic Grenade’s radius is to spend some time-fighting bots in the training area. When used correctly, Cassidy will have enemies leaving town in Overwatch 2.

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Editor’s Note: A lawsuit has been filed against Activision Blizzard by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which alleges the company has engaged in abuse, discrimination, and retaliation against its female employees. Activision Blizzard has denied the allegations. The full details of the Activision Blizzard lawsuit (content warning: rape, suicide, abuse, harassment) are being updated as new information becomes available.

  • Overwatch 2 Kimiko Poster Promo Overwatch 2

    Franchise: Overwatch

    Platform: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

    Released: 2022-10-04

    Developer: Blizzard Entertainment

    Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

    Genre: First-Person Shooter

    Multiplayer: Online Multiplayer, Online Co-Op

    ESRB: T

    Summary: Overwatch 2 is the sequel to the Blizzard team-based PVP shooter released in 2016. Overwatch 2 will completely supplant the original entry, shuttering the prior title in favor of 2. This sequel reduces team sizes to five instead of six. Players will choose from one of thirty playable heroes and pick from one of three classes: damage, support, and tanks. PVP remains the core focus; however, Overwatch 2 now has a stronger emphasis on cooperative play with the addition of PvE modes – four-player cooperative excursions where players will take on different tasks against AI opponents. Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play game and will offer a battle pass option like others of its genre instead of its prior loot box system, allowing players to earn cosmetics and more each season.

    How Long To Beat: 80-100 hours

    Prequel: Overwatch

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