Picard Season 3 Answers A Huge Borg Vs. DS9 Dominion Question

Warning: Content Reveal for Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episode 4 – “No Winning Situation”Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3’s Changeling plot finally has an answer if Borg ever met Star Trek: Deep Space NineDominion founder. change in Picard Season 3, episode 3, “Seventeen Seconds”, revealed that the Rogue Division was behind the theft and destruction of the Daystrom space station aboard the USS Titan-A. Commanders Seven of Nine (Jerry Ryan) and Jake Crusher (Ed Spiller) expose the changing vandals on Titan, and in a “can’t win” situation, Seven continues to fight in Leigh. Hunt down the impostor with the help of Captain Yam Shaw (Todd Stashwick).

Shaw knows about the changers in the War of Domination Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Seven has never met. This is not surprising since the Dominion was forced out of the Alpha Quadrant before the Journey returned home. However, Seven was formerly a Borg drone, and her lack of understanding of the Dominion and its alter founders will certainly answer whether or not the Borg encounters changes. .

Picard season 3’s answer if Borg meets DS9 change

Borg Collective is a syndicate of minds, sharing knowledge about the species they encounter through vast neural networks. As a former Borg, Seven has access to information about every species Borg has encountered and assimilated into the collective. The fact that Shaw had to give seven tips on how to find the Titans’ shapeshifters by asking them specific questions, or stealing the “jars” that the founders used to reincarnate in the liquid state, it is clear that Borg never absorbed this important information about the founder of Dominion.

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Seven split from the Borg Collective in 2374, during which time the Dominion War was still going on in the Alpha Quadrant, so it’s still possible that the Collective will eventually encounter the alter egos. However, Seven maintains a nascent relationship with the Borg collective, and Captain Catherine Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) uses her to his advantage in the battle. Interstellar Travel: The Traveler. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that Borg will experience a change in the process of Seven infiltrating Borg’s hive mind.

Can Borg beat DS9’s changers?

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Changeling Borg

obviously from Interstellar Travel: Picard Odo in Season 3 mentions that the Changelings split after the War of Domination. The Great Link may have adopted a more benevolent society, while before that they tried to conquer the Alpha Quadrant and bring order to the universe based on their distrust of solid matter. At the height of their power, the changers would likely never let the Borg collective get close to the Great Link, using their considerable Vorta and Jem’Hadar powers to repel the advancing Borg blocks.

Interstellar Travel: Picard It is currently confirmed that such an encounter never took place, but it has been theoretically demonstrated that Borg can assimilate DS9of change. No wonder, however, that these two powerful Confederate enemies never met. Star Trek: Deep Space NineDuring the War for Domination, the Borg Group made progress on Earth with the intention of disrupting First Contact and changing history. When Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E thwart their plans, they may have to retreat to the Delta Quadrant to reconsider their plans, as the war progresses. Domination between Alpha and devastating Gamma Wreaks in the quadrant.

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Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3 airs every Thursday on Paramount+.

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