Picard Season 3’s New Villain Upends Vadic & DS9’s Changelings

Warning: Content Reveal for Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episode 4 – “No Winning Situation”Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3, episode 4, “No Winning Situation”, unexpectedly reveals Captain Vadiki (Amanda Plummer)’s answer to others. Picard The Season 3 villain has a boss called The Face, voiced by Garth Kemp. This transformation changes what was previously known about the change people and their culture Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Captain Vadic’s Mission Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3 is about the capture of Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) and Jack Crusher (Ed Spiegel), son of Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). Les). What the Changelings want Jack to do is unclear, but he appears to be central to their larger plan to attack Starfleet, tied to the 250 Border Day celebrations. As part of their plot, the altercations staged a robbery and stole experimental weapons from Dastrom Station, including the weapon that created the portal. How all of these events relate to Jack Crusher is unclear, and Picard Season 3, episode 4 added a new wrinkle by introducing Vadic’s boss, The Face.

Picard season 3’s new villain topples Vadic and DS9 changes

After maneuvering Shrike out of the Layton Nebula, making its sensors and telematics usable again, Vadic used what looked like a Klingon knife to cut off her left hand, confirmed that she is also a shapeshifter. Vadic’s hand then becomes the prominent face of The Face, a merciless bony being who orders Vadic to continue his hunt for Jack Crusher. When Vadic protests that the nebula’s gravity jeopardizes the payload of the heavily armed Shrike (especially the portal weapon), The Face coldly tells her that she and her ship it can be destroyed. Vadic had no choice but to obey, discarding the weapon portal and sending Shrike flying back to the Ryton Nebula.

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This side is the face of many things Star Trek: Deep Space Nine About creating change people. The founders of the Dominion were a united people; even supports Odo (Rene Auberjonois) “solids” exist DS9, is treated equally and respectfully by the female changeling (Salome Jens), prompting him to join Great Link. The Founders also used Jem’Hadar and Vorta to do their dirty work. But the faction of rogue changers that broke away from Great Link seems to be operating under a new set of rules, including having a leader in The Face. Also, changers are forbidden to harm each other, but The Face that threatens Vadic is another radical change for these abandoned shape-shifters.

Picard Season 3 changes to Vadic are disappointing

picard dvadik defeated

Captain Vadic is introduced as a confident, giggling Marauder, several steps ahead of Picard and the Titans, and seemingly in control. Vadic, a villain created from the opera mold of Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalbán), in the style of General Chang, played by Amanda’s father, Christopher Plummer. Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3, episode 4 is a 180 degree difference from the scary bad of episodes 2 and 3; Vadic is both terrified and resigned to The Face. When Captain William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) attacks Vadage with her own tractor beam to disable Shrike, Vadage despairs at not catching Jack Crusher, and her Will faces revenge from The Face.

Turning Vadic into someone else’s minion is an interesting twist, but it’s also disappointing, especially since the interaction between The Face and Vadic is reminiscent of one of Star Wars Prequel trilogy. Vadic’s frantic swagger instantly diminished and her threat vanished with it. The Face also places Vadic in her own win-win scenario, which is an interesting take on the title of the episode. Of course, there’s more to come about Vadic, The Face and Changelings at Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3 is sure to have more surprises in store.

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Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3 airs every Thursday on Paramount+.

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