Pokémon GO Datamine Info Hints Malamar & Goodra May Be Coming

Another potential leak comes from Pokemon GO Data miners, they may have uncovered information that hints at the addition of Malamar and Goodra to the game. Malamar and Goodra, both in Pokémon X & Y (or Generation VI) is one of the few Pokémon that requires unique conditions to evolve. Goodra can only evolve from Sliggoo on rainy days, while users need to turn their Nintendo 3DS console upside down while upgrading Inkay to evolve it into Malamar.

Pokemon GO is currently celebrating its first Weather Week. During the event, Pokémon that like rain appeared more frequently, and the event also introduced Shiny Rain Form Castform and Therian Form Thunder Dragon. Pokemon GO, the latter only appears in 5-star raids. Event-exclusive field research and timed research tasks as well as spring-themed avatar items are also available during Weather Week.

popular Pokémon Go data miner poke miner shared its latest findings on Reddit’s TheSilphRoad subreddit, which includes details on the new Rainy Lure, new evolution tips, and more. According to the data found, the new rain bait will not only attract Pokémon for a certain period of time, especially those that like rain, but it will also cause certain Pokémon to evolve. This last part may hint at Sliggoo and Goodra’s unique evolutionary conditions. One of the newly discovered evolution tips will give players tips on how to evolve their Pokémon, including one that mentions that certain Pokémon can only evolve another trait if it rains or is near what might be considered a new rain bait. It’s the ID that says “upside downThis may hint at the Inkay/Malamar evolutionary conditions mentioned earlier.

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Some other evolution hints found include ones involving Pokémon that can only evolve during the day or night.The data mined also included the text of the previously announced Elesa pose, which was part of the reward Pokemon GOBattle League Season 7. Data was also found for a number of events, including some involving April Fools’ Day, Earth Day, Earth Week, Easter, Festival of Color, Rival Week, and more.

While the amount of information that has been shared looks quite significant and compelling, we definitely have to take it with a grain of salt as data mining or leaks may not always be accurate.Regardless, it will definitely be fun to see Pokemon GO In the future, we will introduce the unique evolution mechanisms of Pokémon such as Marama and Gudra.

source: PokeMiners/Twitter

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