Pokémon GO: How to Evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna

Ursaluna, one of the despicable Pokemon Legendary Pokémon: Arceuswill be released Pokémon GO Saturday, November 12, 2022. This is also the community day of Teddiursa, the frequent bear from Johto. Prior to the announcement of Ursaluna’s release in the Pokémon AR realm, trainers could only use 50 candies to evolve Teddiursa into Ursaring. While many players are satisfied with this short evolutionary path Pokémon GOmuch Arceus Fans may be wondering when Ursaluna will be available. Finally the arrival of the big bear will appear soon Pokémon GO Is a further evolution of Ursaring.

According to the official announcement Pokémon GO Team, from Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. local time until Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. local time, the full moon will appear in the sky of the Kingdom. country AR. Once the Moon is visible, Trainers will be able to evolve their Ursaring into Ursaluna using 100 Teddiursa candies. However, once the moon disappeared, this evolution would no longer be possible.

However, this information does not mean that November 12 and 13 are the only days the trainer can receive Ursaluna. Pokémon GOThe Community Day update announcement also states that players will be able to evolve Ursa “on another full moon”, hinting that the future could present another opportunity for trainers.

Evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna in Pokémon GO

Trainers have two main sources for accumulating candies needed for use in Pokémon GO. First, when Teddy’s Community Day arrives, players can catch as many teddy bears as they can to get enough Catch Candy. Remember that those who don’t have Ursaring yet will need 50 candies to make their first evolution. Therefore, this method requires a lot of spinach and poke balls.

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The second source is participating in the 4-star raid on Ursaring during Teddiursa’s Community Day Pokémon GO. This Raid Boss can have over 18,000 CP, which means it will take at least two or three trainers to take it down. However, high level veterans with Shadow, Giant or Legendary warriors will be able to solo this Raid Boss. As a Normal-type Pokémon, Ursaring’s main weakness is the Battle-type Move Kit. Once defeated, the player can save time collecting 50 candies and skip right away to collect the 100 candies needed to evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna Pokémon GO.

Source: Pokémon GO official website

  • pokemon go poster Pokémon GO

    Franchise: Pokemon

    Platform: Android, iOS

    Release time: 2016-07-06

    Developer: Pokemon Company, Nintendo, Niantic

    Publisher: Niantic, Nintendo

    Genre: Augmented Reality, RPG

    Multiplayer: Pokemon

    ESRB: E

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