Ryan’s Smile Means More For The Boys Season 4 Than You Think

Warning: Spoiler ahead boys season three finale

Ryan’s scary smile got him in big trouble boys season four. “Instantly Hot and Wild” delivered a tense ending to another completely insane season. Despite Homelanders’ dream reunion with the soldier boy who brutally rejected him as ”disappointed“It’s not all bad news for Water’s newly appointed leader. After Victoria Neumann provided Mallory’s safe house location, Homelander brought her estranged son Ryan to Water Towers. , After a big battle with Soldier Boys, the young man finally chose his own father over Billy Butcher.

boys At the end of season three, “Homeland” introduced Ryan to his unusually loyal supporters. Ryan, now able to fly (albeit a little shaky), landed next to his father to a warm welcome from the gathering crowd. The demo went awry when a protester fired a rocket at Ryan’s head, prompting Homelander to instinctively use thermal vision to burn the perpetrator alive. boys season 3 of reality The last pain is the strange smile that blooms on young Ryan’s face…

Ryan’s reaction proves that Homelanders’ evil is being passed on from father to son. Becca Butcher raised a devoted and loving child, even in boys As season three begins, Ryan must endure Homelander’s nightmare. But ever since Butcher brutally blamed Ryan for Becca’s death, Homelander has rushed in to provide her son with a much-needed father figure with true love and kindness.exist boys In the final moments of season three, Ryan’s smile is proof that he’s starting to enjoy the power of being the son of Homelanders. Ever since his mother’s safety blanket was ripped, Ryan has lived in fear – of his father, the authorities, the butcher and even his own power. With Homelander, that fear disappears. Ryan needs no fear, because whoever scratches him is at fault to the people of his homeland. Butcher (possibly even “Aunt Grace”) sees her powers as something to stay away from, while Holland teaches her son to embrace them… because superiority is okay.

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Will Ryan Butcher Become the Villain in ‘The Boys’ Season 4?

Ryan’s smile speaks to a growing empathy gap, and evidence that Homelander’s son is slowly succumbing to the temptation to wield great power without incurring any responsibility. Does that mean he’s going to be the villain? boys Season 4?

Because Billy Butcher only has 12-18 months to live, boys The big time in season four cannot be missed. Ryan will never appear again boys As a Homelander Jr. teen years, because there simply isn’t enough time for such a dramatic transformation to take place. That being said, Ryan’s return is inevitable. boys The fourth part is less sensitive to violence and more willing to commit acts on their own. As his story goes on, Ryan Butcher may have gotten to the point where he would have thrown things from the crowd himself to melt the snowflakes instead of waiting for his dad.

Ryan’s increasingly villainous faction gives the Billy Butcher boys a headache. Judging from Stormfront’s trauma, we already know that Ryan has potential far beyond Homelander, and if that ominous smirk turns into a sinister grin, Hughie, 50, will be dealt a blow when push MM and Frenchie into a Super Question battle. Even in his current state, Ryan possessed tremendous power that he still couldn’t control. Being with Mallory isn’t just about protecting Ryan, it’s about protecting the world from Ryan.

Ryan’s Moral Decline Presents Billy Butcher’s Philosophical Dilemma boys Part 4. Did he declare his surrogate son a failure — another rogue superhero in need of suppression? Or does he believe that Becca’s values ​​still haunt Ryan and that his fall to the dark side is not a predictable outcome? The fate of the world may depend on Butcher’s decisions.

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