Spider-Man: No Way Home – MJ’s 10 Best Quotes

Content Warning: This article contains spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home

Although she hasn’t been as involved in the action as all the other characters in the movie, that doesn’t mean that Michelle Jones-Watson (Zendaya) isn’t an important character to the MCU. Not only has she been an instrumental figure in Peter Parker’s story but she is also one of the funniest characters too as her dry wit and sarcastic nature has created many memorable moments.     

She certainly continued to create plenty of iconic moments in the newest installment, Spider-Man: No Way Home, too, only this time she provided a lot more sage advice. From her interactions with Doctor Strange to helping Peter defeat the villains, MJ’s one-liners and quotes were just one of the best parts of the movie.

MJ To Doctor Strange About Manners:

“I Know A Couple Of Magic Words Myself, Starting With The Word ‘Please’”

Peter, MJ and Ned in No Way Home

Even magical superheroes need to be reminded of their manners now and again, and MJ is the girl for the job. MJ isn’t someone to hold her tongue, and she speaks what’s on her mind. In this quote, MJ reminds Doctor Strange of the proper way to ask for help when he asks Peter and his friends to search for the rest of the multiverse villains.

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This scene is funny in the sense that Strange is taken aback that she’s called him out, yet, he folds and does as she asks. Considering that Strange didn’t take well to strangers, the fact that he gives in as easily as he does after her snipe proves that Michelle Jones is no ordinary girl.

MJ To Peter After They Are Detained:

“Don’t Say Anything Without A Lawyer”

Peter detained in Spider-Man: No Way Home

In every MCU movie, the superhero has had their fair share of run-ins with the police, and Peter and his friends are not immune to this.

After being detained for questioning about his vigilante adventures as Spider-Man, Peter is reminded of his right to a lawyer by MJ (and Aunt May), who never forgets to look out for Peter in his times of need. She’s not naïve and can handle herself in situations of pressure, (which makes her an equal to Peter Parker and Spider-Man).

MJ To Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker After Meeting:

“Crawl Around.”

Spider-man without his mask looking back in The Amazing Spider-Man

From the very first introduction of MJ, she was not very trusting and liked to ask a lot of questions. This is something that remains the same in the third movie as she remains skeptical of all the new visitors and their agendas.

This was also particularly seen when Ned brings the wrong Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) through the portal, where MJ demands that he show proof he is Spider-Man by ID or by crawling around the wall. MJ’s cautiousness is her way of protecting her friends since Peter and Ned are too trusting and cannot see when they are being used or manipulated.

MJ To The Villains When Asked Where They Are Being Held:

“A Wizards Dungeon. There’s No Real Way To Sugarcoat That- It’s Literally The Dungeon Of A Wizard.”

Peter, Ned, and MJ looking in the same direction in Spider-Man: No Way Home

Funnily enough, this quote speaks to MJ’s comedic and sarcastic personality. In this quote, MJ informs the multiverse visitors that they are being held in a wizard’s dungeon. She doesn’t hold back and doesn’t look to gloss over important situations.

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This scene was hilariously well-done in showcasing the seriousness of the multiverse collision, and the interactions between everyone. MJ is hilariously truthful, even to those that are evil and villainous (which is what makes her and Peter so compatible).

MJ To Electro About Peter Not Killing Them:

“That’s Not Who He Is”

MJ and Peter Parker lying on a rooftop in Spider Man in No Way Home

From all the previous movie adaptations, Spider-Man has had to face a number of enemies. Although the Peters have tried their best to stop the villains without harming them, most of the battles they had did result in these enemies’ death (which is why they believe it will happen again here).

However, in this quote, MJ explains to the villains that Peter will do whatever he can to help them because he hasn’t got it in him to be a killer. Peter Parker does not believe that the bad guy should die, and MJ knows this. Her understanding of Peter and his morals is something that bonds them together.

MJ To Peter About His Senses:

“Is Your Tingle Tingling?”

MJ and Peter Parker atop a beam in Spider Man No Way Home bridge

MJ is very attentive to Peter and this has been the case in the past few films. She is very observant and knows and understands Peter well.

In this quote, MJ becomes aware that Peter is sensing something when rounding up the multiverse villains and asks if he feels anything. These two are in sync body and soul, and this quote reinforces this observation. They each trust in each other and the bond that they share.

MJ About Her Expectations:

“If You Expect Disappointment, Then You Can Never Really Get Disappointed”

MJ sitting at her desk and looking at someone with mischief in Spider-Man Homecoming

The character of MJ shares a different outlook on life and the world. She is not one to fully believe and trust in things, making her the total opposite of Peter and Ned.

While Ned and Peter believe that everything will work out for the greater good, MJ believes that there should never be any expectations of something before it is final. In this quote, MJ expresses that she holds no expectations of getting into MIT because if she’s rejected, she won’t feel any disappointment. Although the audience did feel a little sympathetic towards her since they could tell she wanted the role, there’s no doubt that the quote fit her personality best since it was quite realistic.

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MJ To Doctor Strange About The Spell Mishap:

“You’re Telling Us What To Do Even Though All Of This Is Kinda Your Mess.”

Doctor Strange casting a spell in No Way Home

Not one to mince her words, MJ lets it be known to Doctor Strange that he basically has no right to give orders when he is the one that performed the spell that landed them in the mess they were in.

This quote from MJ signifies her stance behind Peter and their relationship. Even though Peter is partly to blame for the multiverse collision, MJ remains loyal to Peter. It’s hard not to like and admire MJ when she stands her ground.

MJ To Peter On The Multiverse Mishap:

“Look At Me. I’m Here. I’m Not Going Anywhere. We’re Going To Get Through This And Get Through It Together.”

Mj and Peter about to kiss in Spider-Man: No Way Home

After the shocking death of Aunt May, Peter can’t help but feel as though he’s alone and has ruined his friends’ lives. In this quote, MJ reassures him that he is not alone in his fight or in his life.

Although he has lost his last blood relative, he’s reminded that he still has a family in MJ and Ned. Family isn’t always blood but it’s a foundation built upon by people that trust and love each other, and this is what the three of them (Peter, Ned, and MJ) have.

MJ To Peter On Saying ‘I Love You’ For The First Time:

“I Want You To Tell Me When You See Me Again.”

MJ and Peter Parker lying on a rooftop in Spider Man in No Way Home

With the decision to wipe everyone’s memory of Peter Parker, Peter chooses to say those three little words in his goodbye to MJ. However, she tells him to wait until they see each other again.

In this quote, fans are able to see the character development of MJ. Before, she was a pessimist, always expecting disappointment, and now she is optimistic that Peter will find her and help her remember not only him but their love as well. It was quite a heartwarming thought that many fans hope will come true one day.

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