SSC Havildar Admit Card Result 2023 Tier 1 Selection list, Cut-off Score

SSC Havildar Admit Card:- The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is a government organization responsible for conducting recruitment exams for various government posts in India. One of the most sought-after posts under the SSC is the Havildar post in the Indian Army. The SSC Havildar Admit Card 2023 will be released for candidates who have successfully applied for the Havildar recruitment exam.

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SSC Havildar Admit Card 2023

The SSC Havildar Admit Card is a crucial document that candidates must carry to the exam center on the day of the exam. It contains important details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam center, and timings. Candidates must check the details mentioned on the admit card carefully and report any errors to the SSC immediately.

The SSC Havildar Admit Card 2023 will be available for download on the official website of the SSC. Candidates will be able to download the admit card using their registration number and date of birth. It is important to note that the admit card will not be sent by post or email and must be downloaded by the candidate.

Candidates must also carry a valid photo ID proof along with the admit card to the exam center. The ID proof can be a passport, voter ID, PAN card, or Aadhaar card. Candidates without valid ID proof will not be allowed to enter the exam center.

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In addition to the admit card and ID proof, candidates are also required to carry a self-declaration form and a photocopy of the ID proof to the exam center. The self-declaration form must be filled in and signed by the candidate.

It is important for candidates to note that the SSC Havildar Admit Card 2023 will be released a few weeks before the exam date. Candidates must keep a close eye on the official website of the SSC and download the admit card as soon as it is released.

SSC Havildar Result 2023

The SSC Havildar Result 2023 will be released on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission. Candidates who have appeared for the examination can check their results by visiting the website and entering their roll number and date of birth. The results will be declared in the form of a merit list, which will contain the names of the candidates who have qualified for the next round of the selection process.

The merit list will be prepared based on the candidate’s performance in the written examination and the physical fitness test. Candidates who have secured the highest marks in the written examination and have cleared the physical fitness test will be placed at the top of the merit list. Candidates who have secured lower marks in the written examination but have cleared the physical fitness test will be placed lower on the merit list.

The next round of the selection process for the SSC Havildar recruitment is the medical examination. Candidates who have qualified for the medical examination will have to undergo a thorough medical examination to ensure that they are fit for the job. The medical examination will be conducted at designated centers across the country. Candidates who clear the medical examination will be considered for appointment as Havildars in the Indian Army.

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Havildar Tier 1 Cut-off Score 2023

The SSC Havildar Tier 1 Cut-off Score for 2023 has been set at 150 marks out of a total of 200 marks. This means that candidates who score 150 marks or more in the Tier 1 examination will be eligible for selection to the post of Havildar. The cut-off score is determined by the commission based on various factors, including the number of vacancies, the number of candidates appearing for the examination, and the difficulty level of the examination.

The SSC Havildar Tier 1 Cut-off Score for 2023 is higher than the cut-off score for previous years. This is due to the increased competition for the post of Havildar, as well as the higher difficulty level of the examination. Candidates who wish to qualify for the post of Havildar will need to put in extra effort to score well in the Tier 1 examination.

How to Check Havildar Result in 2023?

In 2023, the SSC is expected to conduct the Havildar exam, and candidates who have applied for the exam will be eagerly waiting for the results. The results of the Havildar exam are usually declared on the official website of the SSC.

If you are one of the candidates who appeared for the Havildar exam in 2023, here is a step-by-step guide on how to check your results:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the SSC –
  • Step 2: Click on the “Results” tab on the homepage of the website
  • Step 3: Look for the Havildar exam result link and click on it
  • Step 4: A new page will open, where you will be asked to enter your roll number and other details as required
  • Step 5: Click on the “Submit” button
  • Step 6: Your result will be displayed on the screen. Take a printout of the result for future reference
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It is important to note that the SSC may also release the results of the Havildar exam in leading newspapers and employment newspapers. Candidates are advised to keep a check on these publications as well.

SSC Havildar Tier 1 Selection List 2023

The SSC Havildar Tier 1 selection process is a multi-stage examination that includes an online written test, followed by a Physical Endurance Test (PET) and Medical Examination. Candidates who clear these stages will be included in the final selection list.

The SSC Havildar Tier 1 Selection List 2023 will include the names of candidates who have successfully cleared the online written test, PET, and Medical Examination. The selection list will be available on the official website of the SSC, and candidates can check their names by entering their registration number or roll number.

The SSC Havildar Tier 1 Selection List 2023 will include the names of candidates who have been selected for the post of Havildar in the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. Candidates who have been selected for the post will be required to appear for the next stage of the recruitment process, which is the training and induction process.

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