Star Wars Has Already Set Up A Terrifying Villain For Rey’s Next Movie – But Will Lucasfilm Dare Tell The Tale?


  • Rey Skywalker’s upcoming Star Wars movie may introduce the powerful villain Abeloth from Legends to face Rey and the new Jedi Order.
  • Abeloth, once a mortal woman who became an immortal Force entity, was imprisoned by the Ones in Legends but could be freed in the canonical Star Wars universe.
  • Abeloth’s release could be triggered by the shifts in the Force following the defeat of Palpatine and the unity of Rey and Ben Solo, making her a formidable foe for the galaxy.

Rey Skywalker’s upcoming Star Wars movie could feature a truly terrifying villain who’s already been set up in the established canon. With the destruction of the resurrected Palpatine and the fall of his Final Order, it stands to reason that a new darkness will rise. Keeping that in mind, Star Wars already has a villain from Legends who would be perfect to face Rey and a new generation of Jedi Knights.

Confirmed to be taking place 15 years after the events of The Rise of Skywalker, the new Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley’s Rey will see her leading a New Jedi Order. Directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, it has not yet been revealed who or what kind of threat will likely emerge to endanger the galaxy far, far away. However, the debut of one of the most powerful Legends villains has already been set up in the official Star Wars canon.

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Abeloth, Star Wars’ Most Dangerous Villain, Explained

In the non-canon stories known as Legends, the New Republic and Jedi Order were plagued by the dark and powerful Force entity named Abeloth. Also known as the Bringer of Chaos and Beloved Queen of the Stars, Abeloth was once a mortal woman who corrupted herself into an extremely dangerous immortal. Originally, Abeloth was a mere servant of the Force beings known as Ones. In canon, the Ones were first seen during The Clone Wars animated series on the planet Mortis. While the Son represented the dark side, the Daughter represented the light. Constantly in conflict, it was the Father’s job to maintain the balance.

Legends saw the Servant eventually becoming a beloved member of the Ones’ family, a Mother who helped keep the Son and Daughter in balance. However, her mortal form grew old unlike her immortal family, causing the Mother to grow desperate. Drinking and bathing in the nexuses of the Force known as the Font of Power and Pool of Knowledge, the Mother corrupted herself, officially becoming the Force entity Abeloth. For her forbidden acts and subsequent corruption, the Ones imprisoned Abeloth who would attempt to break out any time the Force was thrown out of balance, only to be defeated and imprisoned by the Ones in an ongoing cycle.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Set Up Abeloth’s Prison

The Maw in Solo A Star Wars Story

In Legends, Abeloth’s prison was constructed within the region of the galaxy known as The Maw. Thanks to Solo: A Star Wars Story, The Maw was explored in the official canon, a massive black hole with an extremely powerful gravity well the crew of the Millennium Falcon barely escaped in their attempts to evade the Empire. The Maw is also home to massive tentacled creatures known as summa-verminoths which were also seen in Solo.

It makes sense that such a dangerous place was used by the Ones to imprison an immortal like Abeloth. Likewise, its existence in canon makes The Maw the perfect means to debut a canonical version of the dangerous Force entity who could similarly break out for good, just as she did in Legends in the years following the deaths of the Ones as seen in The Clone Wars. In Legends, Abeloth was awoken and freed by the corruption of Jacen Solo, Han and Leia’s son before Disney purged the Expanded Universe canon ahead of the sequel trilogy. However, Abeloth could certainly be awoken by a different and canonical shift in the Force.

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Why Abeloth Would Be The Perfect Villain For Rey’s Star Wars Movie

Rey Skywalker in Star Wars

Star Wars’ overarching themes of balance and imbalance in the Force would make Abeloth a perfect villain for Rey’s upcoming Star Wars movie with a New Jedi Order. Mirroring her dark role in Legends, there are already a handful of reasons for Abeloth to be freed following the events of the sequel trilogy. Not only was Palpatine defeated along with the Final Order and his SIth Eternal cult, but Rey herself came together with a redeemed Ben Solo as a rare and powerful Force dyad. Likewise, just as Palpatine declared himself to be all the Sith, Rey relied on the power of all the Jedi to defeat the resurrected Emperor.

So many powerful shifts in the Force could easily serve as triggers leading to Abeloth being freed in the established canon (with no Ones to contain her). Additionally, Abeloth’s status as a threat far more dangerous and powerful than the Sith alone would make her quite the dynamic and new on-screen foe for the Star Wars galaxy. However, only time will tell if Lucasfilm will be brave enough to debut such a massively dangerous and powerful villain in Rey’s upcoming Star Wars movie.

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