Stranger Things: 7 Reddit Reactions To Eddie Munson’s Death

End of recent releases Strange Things: Episode 4 Bringing another epic chapter to the story, including a death that broke the hearts of audiences everywhere. Eddie Munson made his debut in the latest chapter and quickly became a fan favorite.

No one wanted to see him fall victim to the same thing that happened to Bob and Alexey and the others, but it happened. His passing created a heartbreaking ending to his character, and these Reddit fans shared their reactions to the grieving sight.

The scene was terrible

When Eddie Monson gets a chance to prove he can be a hero, he jumps in and fights a group of protesters after saying he wasn’t a hero before. He does this to prevent them from going back to Vecna’s house in the Upside Down and gathering there.

However, some fans were unimpressed with his heroic scenes. Reddit user Satal111 19 said: “His death was so sad. It should have been his heroic moment, but his sacrifice was for nothing as the bat creature died after a few minutes. .” Even though he’s now testifying Even though he knows he’s a hero, it’s still disappointing to see the things he sacrificed suddenly become irrelevant.

The end does not reach the arc

Eddie Monson in Stranger Things Part 4

Eddie had some of his best scenes in season four Strange things. While he’s eccentric and doesn’t seem to fit the social environment of high school, he’s clearly someone younger kids can admire. He’s proud of who he is and doesn’t let people stop him from being uncanny.

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Reddit user Key-Cycle369 said: “The scene leading up to his death was pretty amazing. But it’s just not okay that he ended up being killed by protesters instead of fleeing.” Eddie quickly became a fan favorite in Season 4 Favourite, so many fans were unimpressed with his sudden death and thought his plot would lead to big things. than.

His personality will be ruined if he runs away

Oddities Part 4 Eddie Manson Episode 1

Despite Eddie’s claims that he’s not a hero, fans believe he’ll do something extraordinary to earn his character’s credibility in the world. Strange things. Many fans were annoyed that he didn’t try to escape the protesters, but others felt that his plot would make no sense if he just ran away.

Reddit user exlatios said: “You have to remember that you both agreed not to deviate from the plan no matter what. Since he agreed, Eddie and Dustin running there would be harmful to their character. he.” His death was disappointing, but some also felt that his heroic ending was inevitable in the plot.

he should keep running

Eddie Manson's Stranger Things Metallica Scene

While some fans thought he couldn’t escape without damaging the character’s arc, others disagreed. Some fans think that Eddie should try to get rid of the bat and live another day. These fans felt that Eddie’s death made no sense in the context of the plot.

Reddit user bohemiantranslation said: “If Eddie wants to distract the bats, why should he run to an empty field? Why can’t he just take the bikes to another building and continue to distract him? they?” Some fans thought his death was heroic, but other fans thought his death was stupid and pointless.

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he made a worthy sacrifice

Eddie Monson, Stranger Things Part 4

A lot of characters almost died in season four, but Eddie was one of the few that didn’t survive. While viewers grieved his passing, many felt it was a worthwhile sacrifice.

Redditor jedijock90 said: “He did brave things, fighting and buying time for the commandos, but time was bought anyway. He is a great character and death. His tragedy fits perfectly with his story. Fit.” Although the threat ended shortly after his death, some fans feel his sacrifice is appalling at this time and therefore appropriate.

The plot doesn’t need his death

Dustin exchanged last words with Eddie as he bled profusely during the protester's attack

There are plenty of epic battles in Episode 4, including Eddie’s fight with the protesters. However, as mentioned earlier, fans felt his death was inadequate. While it’s a great hero scene, it doesn’t serve the plot to kill Eddie.

Reddit user Point_Slow said: “It doesn’t push the plot forward, it doesn’t provide character development… except for the brief sad scenes, it usually has very little impact on other characters. It’s just a writing tool to pull the rug out from underneath.”Reader/viewer’s foot. ‘ Regardless of the debate over what he should do, these fans felt the writer’s choice was wrong.

the show needs to pay tribute to him

For an action-packed supernatural show like this, the character’s death is inevitable. However, that doesn’t mean that death has to be seen as the end of the plot and forgotten in the sequel.

Whether or not fans are grieving the passing of Eddie Monson, they’d love to see the event honored in the future. Reddit user reelfilmgeek said: “I hope we can see his heroic sacrifice affect Dustin a little more next season, as it will at least make him feel less lazy. more lazy.” hand, but hopefully the screenwriters will remind the audience of his sacrifice.

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