Stranger Things Was Setting Up Mike & Eleven From The Beginning

from start to finish strange thingsMike and Eleven’s romance has been at the heart of the film before, but their relationship was really forged when they first met. While its plot is driven by the investigation of Hawkins’ secret lab and the deadly second dimension it connects to, strange things It is also the growing up story of each young protagonist. As the main cast grows into teenagers, Mike and Eleven’s relationship seems to be one of the constants surrounding the show’s tumultuous narrative.

In the show’s first season, the main cast was a group of teenagers with little interest in romance, but Mike’s connection to Eleven was evident from their first interactions. Eleven had just escaped from the Hawkins lab and didn’t know how to treat a group of boys when Mike was immediately taken away by her. Due to their age and inexperience in relationships, they will have to overcome some awkward hurdles throughout the series, but there’s no denying that they were meant to be together from the start.

Stranger Things establishes Mike and Eleven’s relationship in Episode 1

When Mike and his friends meet Eleven for the first time, they are actually looking for Will, who is trapped in the Upside Down World. Mike hears Eleven rustle in the woods, and Lucas is not so pleased, he insists they bring her back. Mike’s instinct to take care of her and treat her well has led Eleven to stick with him. While both characters are young and don’t have any romance in mind, it’s clear to audiences that this is where Mike and Eleven’s relationship headed.

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When the boys see Eleven for the first time, the camera zooms in on Mike in the middle, it’s clear that she’s caught his attention. This technique is often used in films to present two characters with a strong personal or romantic connection, and the audience knows right away that something is on the way. From the very beginning, the two of them were attached and it quickly turned into an infatuation. Throughout season 1, the attraction from when they first met continues until he finally kisses her at the end of the season.

Mike and Eleven’s romantic scene doesn’t mean they should be together

Mixed image of Mike and Eleven in Stranger Things Season 4

After everything Mike and Eleven have been through, their relationship could easily become the backbone of the movie. Their meeting moves things forward, but strange things It’s not necessarily up to them to say it together. Season 4 caused some problems for Mike and Eleven’s relationship, and season 5’s time jump could be the cause of their breakup. Mike’s limited social circle at school and Eleven’s lack of interaction with friends allow both of them to benefit from the opportunity to entertain other potential love interests, even if they don’t. got the other half in the show’s final season.

The Duffer Brothers take the show much further than the original story strange things Their romance doesn’t have to be relied upon to sustain the plot. Nancy and Jonathan have clearly demonstrated that their chemistry over the past few seasons hasn’t been enough to keep their relationship strong by the end of the show. After 4 seasons, strange things It did show that Mike and Eleven’s romance might not have been necessary to last, but their relationship has been the central detail from the start.

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