Superman Has A Forgotten Weakness (That Actually Saved His Life)

One of Superman’s secret weaknesses can actually be a godsend in the event of a serious emergency. In a rematch against one of Man of Steel’s most fearsome foes, a hero exploits a surprising weakness to save Clark’s life.

Not surprisingly, there’s almost nothing in the DC Universe that can harm Superman. Thanks to his Kryptonian physiology and the rays of Earth’s yellow sun, Clark Kent possesses an astonishing array of powers, one of which is near invulnerability. Bullets, blades, lasers, and more can’t break Superman’s steely skin, making him one of the best defenders on the planet. That said, he does have his Achilles’ heel. The red sun’s rays can greatly weaken his powers, while magic can penetrate his defenses like nothing. Not to mention the vast variety of Kryptonite and the various effects they have on him.

Electricity is Superman’s secret weakness and secret weapon

However, when the worst happens, one of The Last Son of Krypton’s weaknesses can be the best thing he can ask for.exist Superman #175 By Jeff Loeb Ed McGuinness Joker “celebrates” the one-year anniversary of Superman’s death by unleashing the monster dubbed Doomsday. Crowds gathered around the White House to hear President Luther’s comments on the recent war with Imperiex. When Doomsday looms, disaster strikes, but luckily, Superman is on the scene to stop the villains. Unfortunately, Doom had improved his skills and managed to defeat Clark. Lois turned to the only hero who could help, Black Lightning, who successfully restarted Superman’s heart by acting as a makeshift defibrillator and shocking Superman’s consciousness.

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For lack of a better word, it was a bit of a shock to see Clark get the shock. But Black Light has proven multiple times that his powers are one of the few capable of breaking through Superman’s defenses. In fact, with enough concentration, Jefferson Pierce’s lightning can mimic the reddish rays of the sun, briefly disabling the Kryptonians. But when Superman is in an emergency, Black Lightning doesn’t need to do anything fancy. When the worst happens, anyone who can shock Big Blue Scout might be able to save his life.

Electricity can restart Superman’s heart if necessary

Black Lightning Kryptonian Superman DC Comics

Superman is at his peak, and it’s almost impossible to suddenly collapse. But as Doomsday proved multiple times, even Superman can be knocked out with enough brute force to send Clark into cardiac arrest. And with Heroes’ skin and dense physique, there aren’t many options to help heal Superman when time is tight. But thankfully, Clark’s vulnerability to electricity gave him a fighting chance and allowed others to reboot his heart with a strong enough electrical current. It might not be nice to have a fairly common weakness, but for Superman, ironically, it might have saved his life.

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