Teaching Feeling MOD APK (Không cần nhập Key) 2.6.1

The game teaches the feeling of the Visual Novel genre with bold images of the country of cherry blossoms to help you immerse yourself with the girl Sylvie. Ray-K and mods through versions of ichibikun should include Vietnamese to create a good experience for players instead of familiar languages. Downloading the DVA sensory teaching game game will update all the information so far because after each update, the capacity will increase. Not all devices are compatible with successful installation to ensure good play, no downtime.

You can play the game on Android and Windows. Following the feeling of teaching in the form of such a story, I think it is also very interesting. You can also see other names of the game such as Dorei to no Seikatsu in Japanese or Life With a Slave in English. Not only popular in Vietnam, such attractive game content is also noticed in many other countries. It may be a bit confusing for newcomers to raise her, but be patient to progress to the top stage.

Experience in teaching Code keys

Now, you don’t need to enter the key when playing anymore. I removed the key to make it easier to play the game. With the Teaching Feeling version, you will explore the plot more seamlessly than without affecting the experience.

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If you still have to enter the key: Message me FB.

Introduction to sensory teaching games

The beginning of the story

With an easy-to-understand, shortened storyline, players will immediately know where the strong game problem comes from. Playing the role of a doctor, little Sylvie is a gift from a past patient you saved. However, in the process of living with the former owner, the girl had painful memories that she wanted to forget. The task at this time the player has to do is to chat, make you create trust with the character. In the end, it will be the end of the “love” that everyone secretly desires when crossing the scary 15-day boundary.

Taiwan education feelings

Highlights in Game Teaching Experience

  • The endless game pause so far has not yet come to an end.
  • Many intimate interaction gestures such as patting the head, talking, going out to eat, etc.
  • Resist the invitation to not have to start over to avoid having Sylvie die.

Updated the latest version of Teaching Feeling recently

  • In version 2.5 you can already be more intimate with the Shop owner.
  • Fixed the appearance of random events in the morning.
  • Fuller translation when interacting with Slave such as head rub, penetration…
  • Added H scene while drinking.
  • There are still some bugs from the previous version that have also been resolved. I won’t say it again.

The event that Teaches players feels are waiting for

Teaching Experience – Basic Gameplay Instructions

The attribute game is good, but the game still exists in a lot of things that are a bit wild and manual, such as saving data. Players must manipulate manually if they want to continue playing the next time they open the game. Therefore, there are many questions that are repeated many times, GameDVA.com will answer simultaneously according to the instructions below. If your question has not been answered, please continue to leave a comment.

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Update data when installing new version

Both versions have a common way if a new version is installed. That is, when installing the new version, do not remove the old version. Now to update the data, when you enter the game, enter the update command and you’re done. In case of failure to install, follow the instructions below for each device as follows.

Tron Andrews

You need to get back the old version saved on your phone, please watch the video for more details. Note that you must be Root to get the data back. If your device is not rooted, download King Root and read the specific instructions to do so.

On PC, Laptop (Windows)

When the new Teaching Feeling download is complete, copy the old folder data of the old version to the downloaded version and then install the game normally. Watch the video below for a better implementation.

Download Teaching feeling and install

Key Features of Teaching Feeling

Unfortunately for iOS (iPhone/iPad), the teaching experience is not compatible with this operating system. GameDVA also received feedback, but the way security works is different, so it is also difficult for the author. You should choose to download the latest version because it has removed bugs during gameplay as well as released more functions. Don’t forget every time you exit the Teaching Feeling game, save the data, that’s also my advice!

Frequently asked questions when playing

  1. Key to Not Found on the List?

    Please comment the key and version, GameDVA will update as soon as possible. However, to avoid natural commenting, we will not review key comments. Therefore, if you do not see my comment, do not worry because the content has already been sent.

  2. Can’t enter the game error?

    Many of you have a frozen situation when opening the game, only showing the door. Maybe your mobile phone configuration is lower, please install the lower version. The higher the version, the larger it is.

  3. How to get to H scene?

    Paying attention to status and sensitivity, please offer Sylvie 4 glasses of wine and then stop being romantic. As she gets excited now a hint of H.

  4. Error when entering lucky shop

    When installing the new version by saving the old, this situation will occur, use the set cosplay command to solve it.

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Download Teaching Feeling MOD APK (No need to enter Key) for Android

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