The Flash: 9 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The TV Show

flash The CW just renewed it for another season, and fans are already excited to see what kind of villains Barry will face. Season eight is coming to an end in just a few weeks, allowing fans to rewatch their favorite episodes until season nine begins later this year. When rewatching old episodes, fans may encounter some consistent themes within the show, which fans on the internet have given the usual meme treatment.

Iris claimed that “We Are The Flash” showed Barry’s penchant for changing timelines, and at times, his speeds were a little inconsistent, and there were moments throughout the show that made fans laugh, question logic, and fall in love with the character even more.As long as there are fans flash TV shows, they can expect to see more of this trope in the show.

real heartbreaker

Sadly, fans dislike the character of Iris West-Allen less and less with each season compared to previous seasons of the show. Back in season three, Barry tried to stop Savitar from killing Iris, only to find that HR had taken her place.

When fans found out she was dying early in the season, they largely felt sorry for Barry rather than worrying about losing Iris as a character. However, this meme (created by GA_Unleashed) sums up how fans felt when HR passed away, and how many of them shed tears for another great man. flash The character that Tom Cavanaugh brought to the show.

Run Barry…run.

Dr. Wells tells Barry "Run,"

“Run, Barry…run” is an iconic line that the show has used many times, especially in the early seasons, as the last line of motivation that Barry needs to run faster than before. Since his core power is superspeed and all the other powers viewers see are offshoots of that power, it’s unclear why Barry would be confused about what he needs to do to stop each villain.

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This meme from BlerdVision sums it up by saying that every time Barry needs to stop a villain, he only has to do one thing, and that’s run away. Sometimes running faster than before, but it always took a motivational speech to make him realize just how fast he could run.

indirect route

The Flash running down the street from the CW show

This meme uploaded to 9gag sums it up with a classic poster. Fans can see Barry’s lightning flash across the city in some of Ariel’s photos of the city, showing him speeding down streets when he could have taken a more direct route and saved time.

Granted, time is one thing Barry does more than others, and who knows, maybe he needs to be that thorough as he checks the entire city, searching for the whereabouts of his enemies.

Timeline is always the answer

Barry Allen close-up in

Barry loves a chaotic schedule. The timeline and Barry’s interference have been brought up again and again since the first year of Barry’s creation of Flashpoint. The disappearances of Lathaway, Vandal Savage, Savitar, and Nora all caused Barry to alter the timeline in some way.

This meme uploaded by u/Nikolas9516 shows how Barry is constantly using the timeline to solve his problems. Sometimes people focus more on impact than others. For example, when Randal Savage killed Oliver, Barry ran back in time to save everyone, but that didn’t seem to compare to him doing the same thing to save his mother Any repercussions (this is one of Barry’s worst and most selfish decisions in the context of the show due to its repercussions).

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Iris knows best

Iris motivates Barry, but he ignores the scientists

More often than not, it takes Iris and a motivational speech to give Barry the extra push he needs to turn things around. Granted, there were times when he needed Caitlin and Cisco to tell him more scientific solutions, but in emergencies, Iris always made the final decision.

This tumblr meme (created by @adrianchaseofficial) sums up how Iris, arguably the least scientific character, is trusted by Barry more than a scientist. That being said, it’s obvious how much Barry loves Iris and vice versa, sometimes it takes one person to inspire you in a way that no one else can.

Barry is always the reason

Barry creates his own problems on 'The Flash' TV show

One of Barry’s character traits is that he sometimes makes decisions with his heart rather than his head. This is obviously one of the hardest parts of being a hero, being able to balance logical decision-making with the more difficult choices involving the people you love.

However, this meme (created by Instagram user @scarletspeedster) suggests that it might hinder Barry more than it helps him. While the show makes it seem like Barry makes the right decision every time and puts his heart into saving everyone, it always leads to another catastrophic event for Barry. Maybe if he kept his personal feelings aside, his life would be a little easier. That being said, Barry has to live with the decisions he’s made, and that’s certainly part of the show.

we are the flash

Barry says he

As much as Barry wanted to believe that he was the Flash, Iris was always there to remind him that they were the Flash. Barry repeatedly refers to Iris as his lightning rod. Arguably, Barry needs Iris’ motivation, which does give her some authority to claim that without her, Barry might not be the hero he is with her by his side.

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This meme (taken from TVTime) takes this idea and depicts it in a hilarious way if Barry wins millions of dollars. It’s obvious that Barry will split the money anyway since Alice is his wife (unless he finds a secret bank account to stash the money in), but it doesn’t seem like something Barry would do.

inconsistent speed

The unconscious image of Barry in

One small detail that fans have noticed over the years is Barry’s inconsistent speed on different occasions.Sometimes it takes him half a second to run from one side of the city to the other, for example, to get something the team needs to make more technology, but when it comes to certain villains flashBarry needs at least 4-5 seconds to run a shorter distance.

This meme from BlerdVision uses the specific example of Barry being knocked down by a dart. During the annual crossover event, Barry was also shot by Oliver’s arrow. He didn’t see them coming, which was an argument in his favor, and if he’d known where they were being fired from, maybe he would have gotten out of the way.

The fastest man…in Star Labs

Barry becomes the fastest man alive only in season 2

In the show’s first season, episodes began with “My name is Barry Allen and I’m the fastest man in the world.” However, as fans got introduced to the likes of Eobard Thawne, Zoom, Godspeed, and more, that became increasingly untrue, and now producers have replaced it with a simple “The Flash” title card.

This Reddit meme uploaded by u/phantom-beast adds some specialness to a classic line from the show, and while it’s still used today in some episodes, it hasn’t been since episode 18 of Season 2 . Sure, the new speedster ended up dead and allowed Barry to regain the title, but how long before another speedster shows up, even faster than Barry?

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