The Handmaid’s Tale Season 6 Will Have 1 Big Character Tragedy

Warning: Contains spoilers for the Handmaid’s Tale and Covenant!

Season 6 of The Handmaid’s Tale is wrapping up the Hulu series, which means the final series will feature a major tragedy. The Handmaid’s Tale No stranger to dark and sad moments, the entire series is a harrowing exploration of an oppressive theocratic society. However, The Handmaid’s Tale When it comes to tragedy, season 6 could be a step up, with one of the characters meeting a tragic fate they don’t deserve.

The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 ends on a sad note as June has to flee her refugee country, Canada, due to growing xenophobia towards Gilead refugees. Joan is separated from her husband Luke and forced to board the train with their child Nicole. It’s unclear what June and her baby will see in season 6, but things will definitely get better. End The Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 hints that Nichole has left in June, but even that probably won’t last until season 6.

June and Baby Nichole may break up in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Season 6

Although June and baby Nichole have not been together for long, they may have broken up The Handmaid’s Tale Season 6. will, Nichole is 16 years old and the character’s name has been changed to Daisy. She lives with her adoptive parents and does not know her biological mother, Joan. Which means she was separated from June at a very young age, too young to remember. Since Nicole was at least a year old, there wasn’t much time to separate the two.

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I don’t know what time frame The Handmaid’s Tale Season 6 will come to an end, but it’s entirely possible that the final season will explain and point out why Nicole and Joan broke up. After all, June is now with Serena Joy, the evil wife from her ex-family who thinks Nichole is her daughter. It’s entirely possible that Serena will take Nichole from June in season 6, setting up tragic events will.

Nicole starred in the will

June and Nick from The Handmaid's Tale sit by the window looking at Nicole

Nichole’s separation from June cannot be written down The Handmaid’s Tale Part 6, because the character was in will. Hulu has announced that it will adapt will Entering the sequel series, which will probably stick to the 2019 book. In the novel, 16-year-old Nicole is the mainstay of the story, playing a revolutionary just like her mother.

will Nicole teams up with her aunt Lydia and sister Hannah to continue the fight against Gilead. Nichole’s Gilead-Canada Text Smuggling Mission Might Be Even More Dark After the Hulu Incident The Handmaid’s TaleWhile she doesn’t know June is her mother for most of the book, they do reunite near the end, which could provide a happy ending to baby Nichole’s tragic end. The Handmaid’s Tale story.

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