The Hulk Has His Own Council of Reeds, And It’s Very Sad

Warning: Spoiler for Hulk #9

The Incredible Hulk finally has its own multiverse Council of Ten – but a twist turns a group of people into one, leaving Bruce Banner lonelier than ever. Hulk is essentially a tragic character. Bruce spends most of his time away from others at the expense of his own mental health in order to save others from their inner beast. giant number 9 Showing that his mental health was severely impaired after his battle with Thor, Bruce split his mind.

The latest Hulk run involves Bruce Banner weaponizing the monster almost literally. He now “controls” Hulk’s body like a spaceship operator, with Bruce’s mind in control and Hulk’s rage powering the “engine” of the entire pants. body. In this guise, Bruce has more control over the monster than ever before. A major battle with Thor left Hulk mortally wounded but survived, and Thor eventually sent Hulk into space, far away from Earth and any significant population centers.

exist giant number 9Written by Donny Cates and Ryan Ottley and illustrated by Cliff Rathburn, Captain Bruce Banner remains on the metaphysical “deck” of the Hulk’s spaceship that exists in his mind. Not one Bruce operates the Hulk’s controls, but there are dozens, each playing a key role in the Star Trek-esque. Bruce detects a signal from a mysterious planet; “To decipher and find the source of the distress signal, I turned to my fragmented subconscious.” Bruce said, sitting in the captain’s chair. Bruce is surrounded by himself, but he still hasn’t solved his main problem.

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Hulk is lonelier than ever

The famous Reeds Council is a group of Reed Richards mutants that use their combined intelligence to solve problems in the universe. In contrast, this “blues band” solves nothing but its own thoughts. Bruce craves friends and friendship, but he’s turning inward instead of extrovert, and in the process, he’s ruining all the progress he’s made over the years (he even also used a virtual version of his therapist, Doc Samson, but walked out without much success.

Bruce Banner may draw more inspiration from his more socially conscious She-Hulk cousin, who is more in search of people than solitude. This is partly because she can control her powers more effectively, but also because she has stronger support characters and friendly dependents. Unfortunately, Bruce is not; it forces him to divide his mind into dozens of individual identities just to talk to someone, and Hulk’s version of the Council of the Ten Towers is just a way to deal with his own insecurities.

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