The Simpsons: Bart’s 15 Best Prank Calls To Moe’s Tavern, Ranked

One of the longest running jokes The Simpsons They were all prank calls from Bart Simpson. Bart’s favorite target appears to be Moe’s tavern, where he fools Moe into yelling profane names and phrases at the bar.Bart’s been doing these funny things since season 1 The Simpsons, and they haven’t lost their charm yet. It’s hard to imagine Mo turning a blind eye to Bart’s pranks every time, but the calls usually ended with an agitated Mo threatening to harm the young Simpson. Bart got a few solid chuckles out of the exchange and then went about his day in typical fashion.

With more than 30 seasons on the air and no end in sight, The Simpsons is an American cultural institution. Even after all these years, the prank calls Bart Simpson used while harassing Moe’s Tavern still provide some of the show’s biggest laughs. They’re usually teen wordplay, but they can still make for hilarious TV shows, just like they have for decades. While there are countless Bart Simpson prank calls to choose from, some of which weren’t even made to Moe’s Tavern at all, there are a few jokes that stand out among the rest and even make up some of the best Bart Simpson catchphrases.

IMA Wiener — Season 22, Episode 17, “Love is a thing strangled by many”

While this isn’t technically one of Bart Simpson’s many prank calls, The Simpsons Choose to show the passage of time through prank text messages provided by Bart. In this segment, Moe is working at a bar and using his flip phone when he receives a message from “IMA Wiener.” Mo read the passage aloud and even showed it to patrons at the bar, who then laughed. After a while, Moe finally caught on and tried to threaten the prankster by sending a message back, but unfortunately, he couldn’t use his fingers very well and ended up accidentally donating money to Haiti.

Homer Sex — Season 2, Episode 14, “Charming Principal”

principal skinner homer sex

While Homer Simpson somehow attracts the attention of a large number of women throughout the series, it would be a stretch to say that any of these women could be labeled “Homer-esque.” Still, when Bart Simpson gets a prank call, Moe uses his own father’s name as a pun, which is enough to trick Moe.

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In the Season 2 episode “Charming Principal”, Bart calls Moe’s Tavern from Principal Skinner’s office, but instead of asking about Homer Simpson, he asks about “Homer sex.” Moe loved the pun as always and the patrons of Moe’s Tavern laughed heartily. Perhaps more interesting than anything else, Moe thinks there’s more than one possible Homer in his bar at the same time.

Ollie Tabooger — Season 13, Episode 3, “Homer The Moe”

Bart's prank call to Homer in The Simpsons

In the Season 13 episode “Homer The Moe,” beer geek Homer Simpson actually takes over as head of Moe’s Tavern while Moe visits his alma mater and rediscovers his love for bartending enthusiasm. This leads to Homer eventually receiving one of Bart Simpson’s prank calls. Unfortunately for Bart, Homer is somehow dumber than Moe. Instead of blindly calling Ollie Tabooger the name, as Bart claimed, Homer had trouble understanding the joke and asked Bart a lot of questions before his son simply gave up on the joke and Hang up the phone.

Lee Key Bum — Family Guy Season 13 Episode 1 “The Simpsons”

Bart and Stewie make prank calls in 'The Simpsons' crossover

Although family guy/this The Simpsons While the crossover fell far short of its potential, it wasn’t without its highlights, one of which was added to any list of Bart Simpson prank calls. Another reason is that Stewie grew fond of Bart and wanted to emulate his new idol. Bart shows his cool and makes another prank call to Moe’s Tavern.

inside family guy In the Season 13 premiere of The Simpsons, Bart’s prank name of choice is Lee Key Bum, which makes Stewie laugh. Stewie followed up with more “family guy” The joke isn’t a good one at all, but it’s still a great line as Moe asks his customers to check their stools for “leaky butts.”

Oliver Klotzow — Season 1, Episode 13, “Some Magical Night”

Bart, Lisa and Maggie prank call Moe's Tavern, The Simpsons

This is the second prank call Bart makes in the Season 1 episode “Magic Night,” but it’s one of Bart Simpson’s best prank calls. When the phone rings, Bart provides “some pre-dinner entertainment” with Lisa and Maggie as his audience. Bart uses his standard setup to ask Moe, “Is Oliver here?” When Moe asks for a name, Bart gives him a quip: “Oliver Klotzow.” Moe, clueless, calls out from behind the bar , he wanted to “take off all her clothes.”

Seymour Butz — Season 2, Episode 11, “One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”

Bart and Lisa prank call Mo on The Simpsons

One of Bart Simpson’s most iconic prank calls to date came early on. The Simpsons. In the Season 2 episode “One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”, Bart searches for Seymour Butts at Moe’s Tavern. In this case, Moe discovered the prank after screaming “see more ass” several times in the bar. Mo actually lets Bart have it, and all the bar patrons laugh in his face. He lets the con man know he’s serious by saying, “When I get my hands on you, I’m going to take your eyeballs out with a corkscrew!”

Bea O’Problem — Season 3, Episode 11, “Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerk”

Bart prank calls Moe's Bea O'Problem

In the season three episode “Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk,” Bart really gets Moe a leg up with one of Bart Simpson’s best prank calls. While his father was hanging out at the bar with Moe’s other regulars, Bart called Moe and asked about “Mrs. Oprom, name is Bea.” Mo was humiliated after asking his customer “Do I have a BO problem here?” He tells Bart, “I’m going to paint my house with your brain!” When Bart hangs up, his mom Maggie tells him to go find his dad at Moe’s house, causing the Joker himself to develop nervous body odor question because he anticipated what Moi might do to him.

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Al Coholic — Season 1, Episode 13, “Some Magical Night”

Mo answers the phone on The Simpsons

Featuring not one, but two of Bart Simpson’s iconic prank calls, “Magic Night” was originally intended to be the show’s first episode, but ended up being the season one finale. In the same episode where he calls Oliver Klotzow, Bart pulls the most classic bartender prank lines up his sleeve. Bart tries to figure out if there’s a man named Al Koholik in the bar. “Are there any drunks here?” Mo checked before realizing what was going on. “I hope you find that punk one day, Mo,” chirped an oblivious Homer from his bar stool.

Tess T. Culls — Season 29, Episode 9, “The Gone Boy”

Bart in The Simpsons' underground bunker

In the Season 29 episode “The Gone Boy,” when Bart is trapped in an underground bunker, he eventually finds a phone that allows him to make more classic Bart Simpson prank calls. Instead of asking for help, Bart uses the opportunity to make a prank call to Moe’s pub. While Bart has typical teenage humor, he wonders if there’s someone named Tess T. Carls drinking beer. After yelling “testicles” a few times at the bar, Moe insisted, “Oh, come on. I know you hang out around here somewhere.” Bart smiled broadly, but before he could call someone Come to his rescue, the ancient phone is on fire.

Hugh Justice — Season 3, Episode 10, “Flaming Moe’s”

Bart looks shocked on the phone in The Simpsons

Season 3’s “Flaming Moe’s” Arguably the Best Moe Episode The Simpsons It contains one of Bart Simpson’s best prank calls. In it, Moe steals Homer’s recipe and creates a cocktail that’s incredibly effective and extremely popular. Flaming Moe’s success made Moe’s Tavern the number one spot in Springfield, which of course prompted Bart to call his favorite bartender for a laugh.

But things didn’t go as planned. When Bart asks about Hugh Jas, it turns out that there is indeed a patron named Hugh Jas in the bar. “Look, I’m going to be honest with you, sir. This was a prank call that was going to backfire on me and I wanted to quit immediately,” Bart admitted before hanging up.

I’m a dumbass with an ugly face, a big ass, a smelly ass, and I like kissing my ass – Season 3, Episode 7, “Treehouse of Horror II”

Bart's prank call to Moe in Treehouse of Horror II

In “Treehouse of Horror II,” one of the best “Treehouse of Horror” episodes The SimpsonsBart uses his psychic powers to make everyone in Springfield do his bidding. He no longer needed prank names when he called Moe with one of Bart Simpson’s most bizarre prank calls.

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Instead of using his usual pun-filled prank phone names, Bart has Mo pointlessly call someone with the name “I’m a stupid idiot with an ugly face and a big ass, my ass.” It smells bad and I love kissing my own ass”. If Mo doesn’t repeat this sentence, Bart may turn him into some grotesque creature. The name isn’t a joke, but what’s funnier is its absurdity.

Mike Rotch — Season 2, Episode 22, “Blood Feud”

Mo is on the phone while a customer talks about

From 10-year-old Bart’s perspective, there’s nothing funnier than making fun of body parts or body functions. This is often the case with Bart Simpson’s best prank calls, and in the Season 2 episode “Blood Feud,” Bart hooks Moe up with one of the oldest dirty pranks in the book. “Is Mike here? Last name is Roach,” Bart asked, luring Mo into his “my crotch” trap. Lisa laughs with her brother as Moe threatens to do unreasonable things to him if he figures out his identity.

Jacques Strapp — Season 1, Episode 6, “Crying Lisa”

As customers laughed, Mo hung up the phone

Bart’s second prank call name is one of Bart Simpson’s best prank calls. In the episode “Crying Lisa,” his ritual is frozen forever when young Bart calls the bar and asks to speak to Jacques Strapp. For Moe’s part, the bartender didn’t get it at first, telling his customer he was “looking for a jock strap.” As reality washes over him, the angry bartender hurls empty, violent words at the prank caller. “Where’s your sense of humor, man?” Bart asked before hanging up. Ultimately, “Jacques Strapp” laid the foundation for all of Bart Simpson’s future prank calls.

Amanda Hujinkis — Season 4, Episode 8, “New Kid on the Block”

Men hugging and kissing Mo and Bart Simpson

Unlike most of the Bart Simpson prank calls on this list, Bart used this prank call in the fourth season of “New Kid on the Block,” the best season ever. The Simpsons, as a way to embarrass Jimbo Jones in front of his girlfriend (and Bart’s crush/nanny) Ruth Powers. So he called Moe’s Tavern to ask about a customer named “Amanda Huginkiss.”

After calling the name a few times, Moe laments, “Why can’t I find a man to hug and kiss?” Barney retorts, “Maybe your standards are too high.” As usual, once Bart realizes When he was deceived, Mo would threaten Bart with violence: “You little bastard, if I knew who you were, I would shove a sausage down your throat and a hungry dog ​​up your ass! “

IP Freedom — Season 1, Episode 3, “Homer’s Odyssey”

Split image of Moe holding mobile phone The Simpsons

Bart Simpson’s prank calling names has now become a much-loved prank, and it all started in the third episode of Prank. The Simpsons. Bart calls Moe’s Tavern and asks to speak to IP Freely. Bart’s use of this choice homophone (“I pee wherever I want”) goes exactly as he planned, and an angry Mo promises revenge the next time he gets the chance. When Homer utters his famous “One day you’re going to get that punk,” Moe responds, “He’s hard to catch. He keeps changing his name.” From this scene was born the most popular character in the show. One of the iconic quips that made it an instant classic.

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