The Tim Burton Movie Michael Jackson Wanted To Star In

Tim Burton has worked with many different actors over the decades, and King of Pop Michael Jackson almost joined this list because he wanted to star in one of Burton’s most popular projects, One. , but it never materialized. After leading Pee Wee on an adventure, meeting the spooky Beetlejuice, and exploring Gotham City, Tim Burton introduces the world to a one-of-a-kind young man with a unique look and a heart of gold: Edward Scissorhands, played by Johnny Depp.

Edward Scissors It tells the story of a young man created by a lonely inventor (Vincent Prince) who dies unexpectedly and never completes his invention, leaving Edward with scissors and razor instead. his hands. After Edward was found in her old home by Peg Boggs (Dianne Wiest) and brought back to her community, Edward was faced with curiosity and rejection by many. Reed) who also found true love. Edward Scissors is one of Johnny Depp’s most memorable roles, but he’s not the only one who wants to take on the role, as Michael Jackson also wants to be Edward Scissorhands.

Michael Jackson wants to play Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands is not a character with a lot of lines so he relies on body language and facial expressions (although very gentle) to create sympathy and express emotions so casting was not easy. Burton and his company considered various actors for the role of Edward Scissorhands – some of whom met with Burton, others turned down the offer immediately – but one was not considered but let them know he’s interested The person who cares very much about this is Michael Jackson .based on LA timeMichael Jackson didn’t get the role of Edward Scissorhands, but he really wanted to, but writer Caroline Thompson says (via insider) She believes in Jackson”chasing timeBut Burton ignored his request and never met the King of Pop.

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By the time Edward Scissorhands began production in the early 1990s, Michael Jackson had already made his debut, but his acting career was not as successful as his musical career. Jackson made his cinematic debut in a musical in 1978 magicianre-imagine Wizard of Oz An all-black cast, Jackson plays the Scarecrow.after failure magicianJackson stars in critically acclaimed short film/music video horror filmnext is a sci-fi short film captain EOand experimental musical anthology moon walkers. Michael Jackson’s acting skills are not outstanding, nor do they match the nature of Edward Scissorhands.

another actor who almost played edward scissorhands

Johnny Depp Edward Scissors

While Michael Jackson wanted to play Edward Scissorhands, there were actually other actors who had the opportunity to play this unique role. The studio introduced Burton to Tom Cruise, who admitted he was not the ideal person for him, but nevertheless agreed to speak with him. Cruise ended up asking too many questions and wanted a “happy” ending, so Burton and company moved on. Tom Hanks and Gary Oldman were offered to play Edward Scissorhands, but Hanks turned it down frivolous campfire and Oldman, because he thought the story was ridiculous. Jim Carrey is also expected to play Edward Scissorhands, John Cusack as Thompson’s favorite, and William Hurt and Robert Downey Jr. have also expressed interest in playing the role. In the end, Johnny Depp has always been Tim Burton’s top pick, and he’s definitely the best choice because he really feels the complexity of Edward Scissorhands.

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