The Vampire Diaries: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Enzo, According To Reddit

another possibility the Vampire Diaries The spinoff reminds fans of the iconic series and characters like Lorenzo St. John, who may have come in late in the game, but has become a very important and popular character in a short time . Enzo was introduced as Damon’s betrayed friend in Augustine’s time, but he became Bonnie’s soulmate and lover, much to the audience’s delight.

Despite being well-loved, Reddit has strong opinions about the long-dead vampire and his role in Dracula. the Vampire Diaries universe. The most controversial points about Enzo range from his love interest to his entire arc on the show.

Enzo should be with Lily, not Bonnie

In a surprising twist, the dashing Enzo fell in love with Damon’s mother Lily, and she saved his life, but fans still think a pairing with Lily makes more sense than Bonnie. One deleted Reddit user said: “I feel like Enzo would have fallen in love with the woman who saved his life instead of a girl with whom he had almost no friendly interactions.”

Enzo seems more obsessed with Lily than in love, and his gratitude for being saved is largely reflected in his feelings for Lily. Lily and Enzo are completely incompatible, and she doesn’t care about him that much. He deserves someone who loves him as passionately as Bonnie.

Enzo is obsessed with the Salvatore family

Damon and Enzo plot revenge against Dr. Whitmore in The Vampire Diaries

Since his tryst with Damon in Augustine, Enzo’s life seems entangled with the Salvatore family. He considers Damon his best friend, hates Stefan, but is in love with their mother Lily. Reddit’s Andrezie noted that “Enzo’s obsession with the Salvatore family is a little weird.”

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Enzo has never known a family in his life, and his first taste of love comes from Lily, who saves him from certain death. Coincidentally, his next encounter in Augustine was with Damon. If anything, the Salvatore brothers and mother pulled him into their orbit, it was the way they were with people.

Enzo and Caroline make more sense than him and Bonnie

Caroline and Enzo in the car from The Vampire Diaries.

In an eternal flirtation, many Reddit users observed the banter between Caroline and Enzo in Season 6 and concluded that their ship made more sense than Bonnie and Enzo. Mariejuannaaa marvels: “I obviously think they have chemistry! I never really liked Bonnie and Enzo together.”

There’s no denying that Enzo is clearly Caroline’s type and anyone would love this charismatic blond vampire. the Vampire Diaries. However, their interactions are nothing more than harmless flirting, and Bonnie is the one who really cares about Enzo, unlike Caroline who is just a friend.

Enzo’s sudden redemption is the worst

Enzo St. John smiles in The Vampire Diaries

His first incarnation was in TVD is a vengeful vampire, and some fans seem to prefer this version of Enzo to the romantic version. He betrays Caroline and goes after Matt, Elena and Stefan – but over the course of a few episodes, he becomes a different person. One deleted user complained, “The change in Enzo’s script from 7×14 to 7×19 is absolutely one of the worst character shakeups I’ve ever seen on television.”

Enzo’s redemption and his loving side didn’t happen overnight. The time jumps for three full years, and the play tells the process of his heart slowly melting while experiencing Bonnie’s tenderness. Just as Bonnie has changed, so has he, and if Damon can be a hero, so can Enzo.

All of Enzo’s storylines after Augustine were stupid

Enzo’s journey is very different from that of the other protagonists in the play. He had a tragic start, a miserable life, and major trust issues, but users like lldom1987 think all his stories are stupid and he’s underused. “After the boring Augustine vampire story, basically deleting his entire storyline, the writers might be able to create a really interesting character,” they said.

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Just because Enzo isn’t directly involved in a fan-favorite episode doesn’t negate his storyline. He has different motives and is free after years of captivity, so he has things on his mind, like meeting Damon and getting revenge on Stefan. Sarah Salvatore was the key to angering Stefan, so Enzo did what he had to do so he could feel revenge.

Bonnie and Enzo don’t have chemistry

bonnie and enzo from the vampire diaries

Even though Bonnie and Enzo (affectionately known as Benzo) were one of the show’s most important couples, there was still a portion of fans who didn’t see the fireworks. They feel there is potential, but the underdevelopment of the relationship ruins it. Sassy_dodo stated that they were “just put together for the story and ignored any chemistry or depth”.

Reddit users may think other couples are more important, but Bonnie deserves to find a lover who cares about her and protects her from the world. She’s always been alone, and Enzo shows her that she doesn’t have to be. Their relationship is undeniably adorable and the chemistry is felt by most viewers.

Enzo’s death was hasty and the ghost was unnecessary

Many hearts were broken by the series finale TVD, but the ultimate problem occurred just before that, Enzo’s death. However, this had a different impact on some people, who believed that Enzo could use his vampire hearing to hear Stefan and fight him off, or that Damon could warn him and Bonnie. Mundane_Metal_3634 said “He was killed senselessly, his death was so stupid” and the ghost’s appearance was a complete waste.

Inhuman Stefan is ruthless and few can repel him. Enzo didn’t expect to be attacked as he waited for Bonnie to return, who was taking the antidote from Elena. Vampires are powerful, but not invincible, and Enzo is no match for Stefan the Ripper. The ghost needed some closure for Bonnie, and Enzo helped her get it done this way.

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Enzo is just an eye-catcher

Reddit users like dabzandjabz and lldom1987 don’t think highly of Enzo, other than being as attractive as many other male characters on screen. They felt the writers underused him, saying “as soon as he was cast, they didn’t know what to do with him” and “He was a very attractive man, but he just didn’t have the charisma…”

The importance of a character is subjective, but Enzo plays a vital role in the show. He found his family, contacted the Salvadoran Armory, and gave Bonnie the happiness she deserved for the first seven seasons. Just because a character’s ending is tragic doesn’t mean they are pointless.

Enzo follows every woman

Bonnie and Enzo hugging at the door in

Although romance is key the Vampire DiariesEnzo’s character upset some viewers, who thought he was unfair to Bonnie by flirting with everyone on the show and taking his chances. Lldom1987 thought she deserved “…a role that doesn’t go after other women and be rejected by them before choosing Bonnie”.

every role in TVD They have a romantic history with each other. Elena dated Matt, Stefan and then his brother. Caroline has dated almost every available man on the show, as has Stefan. Damon and Bonnie have had plenty of partners themselves, so it seems unfair to slander Enzo for just a little flirting.

Enzo gave up on Bonnie too easily

Bonnie resting her head on Enzo; shoulders in The Vampire Diaries

Sadly, what was supposed to protect Bonnie ended up almost killing her. Bonnie asked not to be rescued as her friends and family looked for ways to help her, and fans hated that Enzo actually listened to her. Torib613 was outraged by this, saying: “After he objected to saving her, I legally looked for an exit, but I was frustrated because she didn’t dump him on the spot.”

TVD Audiences are so used to characters like Damon disrespecting their partners’ wishes and forcing them to do what they think is better for them. Poor Elena had to suffer, but Enzo respected his partner’s wishes and that didn’t make him a bad partner.

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