This mind-bending dice brainteaser will drive you dotty… so can YOU spot which has seven spots?

A BRAND new puzzle has rolled its way onto the internet… and it’s left readers feeling shaken.

The mind-melting image is filled with dice – but can you spot the odd one out?


The confusing photo has been loaded with plenty of dice… which makes the task even more trickyCredit: SWNS:South West News Service

One of the dice only has seven spots on it, and it’ll drive you dotty trying to find it.

Only challengers with the best vision will be able to identify the rogue die in the image.

Meticulously sweep your eyes across the picture and count how many spots are on each face.

The fun graphic has been created by gaming company in hope of discouraging cheating in gambling.

Spokesman Greg Tatton-Brown said: “Loading dice is one of the oldest ways of cheating and has been around almost as long as dice-games have.

“So you should take this opportunity to hone your skills at spotting dodgy dice when they appear, it’s much more difficult than it seems.”

“We’ve written a quirky blog that imagines this seven-spotted die as a new breed of dice, thrying to take over out tables – find it before it has the chance.”

But did you find it?

 The seven-spotted die can be found in the bottom left hand-corner of the image


The seven-spotted die can be found in the bottom left hand-corner of the imageCredit: SWNS:South West News Service

It’s not the first brainteaser to sweep the web in recent weeks.

One asked challengers to find the bumble bee hiding among the Mother’s Day flowers.

And other gamers were tasked with identifying the giraffe hiding in the flock of colourful animals.

See also  Optical Illusion Brain Test: If you have Sharp Eyes Find the number 458 in 20 Secs

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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