Thousands of parents can get £200 cash for school uniform grants from TODAY

THOUSANDS of parents can get free school uniform bursaries worth £200 from today.

From today, struggling Welsh families with children in reception up to the age of 11 can claim free cash.

You will need to apply directly to your local council for a bursary


You will need to apply for the grant directly to your local council. Credit: Getty

Children whose families have lower incomes and qualify for certain benefits can apply for support of £125 per child.

However, if your child is starting secondary school and is in Year 7, you will be able to receive an increased payment of £200 for this academic year.

Families have the right to submit a request once per child, per school year.

So if you have three children, you could claim more than £600, depending on which school year starts in September.

Who has the right?

The exact eligibility conditions will depend on those set by your local authority.

For example, in Swansea, the School Essentials Grant is available to children and young people:

  • Eligible for free school meals (eFSM)
  • Children in Care (LAC)
  • Those classified as No Resource to Public Funds (NRPF)

For further information on eligibility or the application process, please contact your local authority directly by visiting

Support can be spent on:

  • School uniform, including coats and shoes
  • School sports equipment, including footwear
  • IT equipment: only laptops and tablets
  • Uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to Boy Scouts, Guides, Cadets, martial arts, sports, performing arts or dance
  • Equipment – for example, school bags and stationery
  • Specialized equipment where new curriculum activities, such as design and technology, begin
  • Equipment for trips outside of school such as outdoor learning – for example waterproof
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Schools Essential Grant payments reduced by £100 from 2022.

Under the previous scheme, each eligible child could receive £225 and those going to secondary school £300.

You will need to apply directly to your local council for a bursary.

Find yours by visiting


IF you can’t get targeted help from your council, you may have other options available to you.

In some areas you can speak directly to your school, who may be able to provide you with clothing.

Or you could get cheap clothes from thrift stores or charity shops.

Some charities also offer help to families in need.

But keep in mind that charities often have a limited amount of money to give and usually have specific criteria that must be met in order to receive a grant.

Charity Turn2Us has a free grant search tool on its website to find out what help is available to you.

In the meantime, you can always try to contact the nearest branch of the Citizens Advice Bureau.

If you don’t know where your nearest Citizens Advice branch is, you can find out by visiting

If you are not eligible for a school uniform grant, you may be able to get help through the Household Support Fund.

What can I get if I live in England?

Unlike the Wesh programme, there is no blanket scholarship available to students across England.

Many local authorities do not offer residents direct grants for uniform costs, although some do.

For example, Islington Council in London offers bursaries worth £150 for pupils moving from primary to secondary school and free school meals.

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Find out more by visiting

Meanwhile, Nottingham City Council offers different amounts depending on the child’s school year.

Reception age pupils can get £15 towards clothing costs, while Year 9 pupils can get £30.

You can apply by downloading the form on the municipality’s website.

In either case, you’ll need to be on qualifying benefits to get help.

Local councils in England set their own criteria for unique bursaries, which means what’s available and when to apply depends on where you live.

The best thing you can do is check with your local councils what help is available and when to apply.

Find your local council website by visiting

What can I get if I live in Scotland?

A number of councils in Scotland offer grants to families to help cover the cost of uniforms.

But, as in England, the amounts vary depending on where you live.

You can apply for grants through your local government website.

The Scottish Government website says most local authorities accept applications between July and the end of March each year.

In any case, you should ask your local community what support is offered.

What help is available to parents?

CHILD CARE can be an expensive business. Here’s how you can get help.

  • 30 hours of free childcare – Parents of three- and four-year-olds can apply for 30 hours of free childcare per week. To qualify, you usually have to work at least 16 hours a week on the National Living or Minimum Wage and earn less than £100,000 a year.
  • Tax credits – For children under the age of 20, some families can get help with childcare costs.
  • Childcare Vouchers – If your employer offers childcare vouchers, you can get up to £55 a week in tax and National Insurance savings. You pay for childcare before your tax contributions are paid. This scheme is open to new members until 4 October 2018, when tax-free childcare is scheduled to replace vouchers.
  • Tax-free childcare – available to working families and the self-employed, for every £8 you invest in the state, an extra £2 will be added.
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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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