Triangle Of Sadness Ending Explained (In Detail)

warning! This article contains spoilers for The Triangle of Sadness. sad triangle The finale culminates in chaos, with a splendid yacht sinking and a handful of survivors ending up on a deserted island, which is sure to bring chaos to the film. The film is divided into three chapters, the first chapter tells the story of Carl (Harris Dickinson) and Yaya (Charlby Dean). Both have modeling jobs, and although Yaya is the more financially successful of the two, this becomes the source of conflict. phrase”sad triangle“Used in the first chapter to describe the spot in the middle of the forehead where Botox is typically injected.

Chapter 2 takes place on a luxury yacht, Karl and Yaya are invited to participate. Other passengers include Russian tycoon Dimitri (Zlatko Burić) and his wife Vera (Sunnyi Melles), elderly weapons maker Clementine (Amanda Walker) and Winston (Oliver Ford Davies), a survivor of a hurricane. Therese stroke, and lonely tech millionaire Jarmo (Henrik returns). The yacht’s crew includes chief of staff Paula (Vicky Berlin), Captain Darius (Alvin Carnanian), flight attendant Abigail (Dolly De Leon) and drunk captain Thomas Smith (Woody Harley). Sen).this sad triangle end It was set up when the passengers gathered for the captain’s dinner.

How do cruise passengers get sick in the grief triangle?

During the entire voyage, Captain Thomas Smith fell into a drunken coma and was locked in his cabin. This left First Officer Darius and Chief of Staff Paula to handle most of the day-to-day operations. However, the captain was forced to attend dinner one evening, and Smith chose an evening when a major storm was forecast.

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On the day the captain had dinner, passenger Vera insisted on asking all the staff to stop what they were doing and join the water skiing activities. This includes kitchen staff, despite concerns that food will spoil if not cooked right away. The combination of spoiled food and chaos during the storm left most passengers with seasickness, vomiting and diarrhea on the yacht. Ironically, the captain avoids this in the dark comedy because he orders a special hamburger for himself.

Why did the yacht sink?

Dimitri on the sanctuaries in the Grief Triangle

After the captain’s dinner, the yacht became chaotic. Passengers vomited everywhere and toilets overflowed, leaving sewage flowing through the halls intact. During this time, Captain Smith, an American communist, began a passionate argument with the Russian capitalist Dimitri.

The drunken conversation between Smith and Dimitry finally reached the captain’s cabin, broadcast over the PA system. The commotion attracted the attention of the pirates, who approached the yacht and threw grenades at the ship. The elderly passenger, Clementine, picked up the grenade and told her husband Wilson that it appeared they had developed it. Seconds later, the grenade exploded, killing the couple and sinking the yacht, sad triangle The end to a dark comedy.

Who survived the grief triangle after the yacht sank?

Tourists stuck in grief triangle

It is thought that most of the crew and passengers, including Captain Smith, were killed when the yacht sank during the pirate attack. Only seven survivors ended up bathing on the beach, including Carl, Yaya, Dimitri, Teresa, Paula, Jarmo, and a never-seen-before man named Nelson (Jean-Chris Tove Foley), who killed himself. claiming to be the ship’s mechanic. Some time later, Abigail, the yacht’s manager, arrives on the island on the yacht’s supply lifeboat, playing a key role in the new dynamic.

How has the power on the island changed?

Abigail with Yaya and Paula in the Triangle of Suffering

Accustomed to having everything for them, the passengers do not have the skills to survive on the island. This allowed the former butler Abigail to take control and establish herself as the new leader, even more so than her boss, Paula. After catching and cooking an octopus in this black comedy, Abigail refuses to serve more than a few slices unless she is acknowledged as the captain.

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Since most of the survivors were forced to sleep outside, Abigail slept in the lifeboat. In the end, she forces Carl to join her on a lifeboat, exchanging sex for food and supplies. This eventually leads to a rift in Carl’s relationship with Yaya.

Why did Abigail think of killing Yaya knowing the island was a resort?

Abigail on the rocks in the Triangle of Suffering

It’s implied that the island wasn’t necessarily deserted when Therese met the hawker on the beach. However, she is unable to express this as she is a stroke survivor and speaks only one sentence of German. At the same time, Yaya decided to walk to the other side of the island, and despite Carl’s anxiety, Abigail joined her.

During the hike, Yaya and Abigail find an elevator, showing that the island they are on in the comedy is part of a resort. Yaya is relieved to be back to her old life and even offers to have Abigail as her assistant. However, Abigail, not wanting to lose the power he gained, picked up a rock to hit Yaya. Yaya’s ultimate fate remains elusive.

Why is Carl running at the end of the Sad Triangle?

Carl runs through the grief triangle

last broadcast sad triangle Watch Carl run wild in the woods. The simplest interpretation of this scene is that Carl is doing his best to reunite with Yaya, who has become estranged from her relationship with Abigail. Immediately after the scene where Abigail prepares to kill Yaya with a rock, viewers wonder if Carl will make it to her in time.

Speaking about the time, Ruben Östlund said that he believes Carl met the peddler on the beach in the comedy and was worried about what would happen to Yaya when Abigail discovered the resort, explaining why. why is he running like crazy. However, the audience of the film also offered another interesting interpretation for Ostlund. “One viewer told me, ‘No, Carl is running like crazy to regain his male identity. He’s grappling with gender expectations, and the final shot is a metaphor for his lost masculinity, which has been completely lost. I also like this explanation,Östlund talks about this alternative field reading (via pack).

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The Truth About The Sad Triangle Ending

sad triangle yaya and carl

one of the main themes of the film — and sad triangle The end – is the prerogative of the super rich and what happens when it’s taken away. At the start of the journey, Paula tells her team to always say yes to passengers. This rule accidentally caused the yacht to sink when the kitchen staff were forced to swim in the ocean instead of preparing dinner, resulting in a string of pure chaos that lasted nearly 20 minutes. When the yacht sinks and the survivors are stranded on an island, former servant Abigail takes the opportunity to swap power dynamics and take on the dark comedy.

in spite of sad triangle Overall, the focus of much of the film is on Carl and Yaya, the supermodel couple. The pair had problems, but they boiled over on the island when the gender roles were reversed and Carl was forced to exchange sex with Abigail. sad triangle The ending makes it unclear whether Carl and Yaya will reconcile or fall victim to the new power dynamics created by Abigail.

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