TS CPGET Result 2023 declared, download rank card at cpget.tsche.ac.in by using hall ticket number

TS CPGET Result 2023 declared at cpget.tsche.ac.in

TS CPGET Result 2023 Link: Osmania University has released the result and rank card of the Common Post Graduate Entrance Test (TS CPGET) 2023 today. Candidates can download their rank card online from the official website: cpget.tsche.ac.in. They will have to use their hall ticket number, registration number and date of birth. 

The CPGET result 2023 include information such as total marks scored in the entrance exam, qualifying status, application number, etc. Osmania University and its affiliated colleges will release their own CPGET merit list and cutoff for admission to PG courses.

How to check CPGET 2023 Result? 

The cpget.tsche.ac.in result has been announced in online mode. Candidates can go through the steps given below to check the TS CPGET rank card 2023: 

Step 1: Go to the official website: cpget.tsche.ac.in

Step 2: On the homepage, click download rank card tab 

Step 3: A new login window will appear on the screen

Step 4: Enter  hall ticket number, registration number and date of birth

Step 5: Click on the view rank card button

Step 6: Now, download and save it for future references 

What details will be mentioned in Telangana CPGET Result 2023? 

After downloading the rank card, candidates must check the details mentioned in the rank card. If they find any error then they should report it to the officials immediately. Check the details mentioned on it: 

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Application number

Candidate’s name

Father’s name

Mother’s name

Date of birth



Total marks obtained

Qualifying status

Hall ticket number 

TS CPGET Toppers 2023

The list of toppers are generally released along with the TS CPGET result 2023. The toppers list is released subject-wise. Till then candidates can check the names of 2021 toppers below: 

Name of the Topper


V. Hari Priya

M.Sc Computer Science

Nikhil Kumar

M.Sc Mathematics

Jonnalagadda Sri Divya

M.Sc Statistics

Deekshita Kulkarni

M.Sc Biotechnology

Royaprolu Satwika

Integrated M.Sc Chemistry

Also Read: DU PG Admission 2023: Rejected Candidates in First Merit List Will Be Considered in Subsequent Rounds

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Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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