Unique Pokémon Fan Art Shows Creeping Gengar & Melty Litwick

A collection of fan-rendered Pokémon includes a Gengar sneaking in the shadows and a melting Litwick among stylized versions of some of the franchise’s most popular creatures. Nintendo’s monster-collecting franchise has lasted for almost 26 years among multiple console generations, producing nearly a thousand Pokémon with iconic and relatable designs. To celebrate popular favorites, numerous fans have shared fan drawings, sculptures, and other stunning works of art.                              

Many Pokémon fan drawings have featured crossovers between Pokémon and other properties like the MCU and the recent Disney/Pixar film Turning Red, while others imagine what Pokémon species like the already-creepy Gen 1 Ghost-type Pokémon Gengar would look like in the real world. Some fans have even created their own Pokémon with designs that could easily fit among Game Freak’s official lineup of collectible monsters, including a few new custom evolutions for series mainstay Eevee.                     

Fan-Made Pokémon That Look Like Real Designs

Artist and Twitter user tiki recently posted a collection of Pokémon “doodles” that include stylized versions of fan-favorites like Jigglypuff, Oddish, and Cacnea seemingly palling around. Among the cute critters, a Gengar is lurking creepily at the bottom of the picture, and a Litwick appears to be melting from its own candle flame. Tiki’s collogue of Pokémon has gained roughly 25 thousand likes so far, with many commenting on Litwick’s troubling predicament and praising tiki for their work. However, some have pointed out that tiki’s depiction of Cacnea’s face is somewhat off – which tiki notes is due to them drawing the cactus-like Gen 3 Pokémon from memory.

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Fans like tiki will soon have plenty of new Pokémon to draw, as the next generation of Pokémon games is set to launch this November in the form of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. The main starter trio for these new Pokémon games has already spawned plenty of fanart, with players trying to predict the evolutionary forms for Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly. There have been cute fan animations for these new Pokémon as well, alongside 2D sprites that call back to the original Pokémon games on the Game Boy.          

Even as fans look to the future of the long-running Pokémon franchise with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the already-vast assortment of existing Pokémon species continues to inspire impressive artwork – including tiki’s recent line-up of cute Pokémon drawings. While Litwick looks like it’s seen better days and Gengar seems creepy as ever as it lurks at the bottom of the picture, tiki’s artwork captures the charm of Nintendo’s titular Pokémon – a collection of memorable monsters that grows with every new installment.    

Source: tiki/Twitter

Image Source: tiki/Twitter

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