Videotapes. Wild dog mother panicked when she saw the man trapped his only puppy in the net

Oreo, a mixture of pit bull and dachshund, was abandoned and lived on the streets for a while. The locals always feed her and take care of her, but Oreo doesn’t want to be rescued. When a man saw Oreo with her only dog, Cookie Monster, he knew he had to call for help, ilovemydogsomuch wrote.

In this video, we see rescuers coming to the highway to save Oreo and Cookie Monster. As the Biscuit Monster raced through the busy streets, a lifeguard used a net and quickly rescued him from a life-threatening danger.

However, Oreo was not happy to see her baby trapped in a human’s arms. While the mother dog began to protest anxiously, the rescuers decided to call in reinforcements.

Rescuers asked the man who had been feeding Oreo the whole time to help them rescue them. When Oreo saw a familiar face, she ran to him and begged him to save her baby. The man reassures her and assures her that Cookie Monster is safe with newcomers. In the end, the rescuers let Oreo kiss her puppy to reassure her that they meant well!

With dreams of a better life, Oreo and Cookie Monster follow the rescuers and reach the shelter. After a medical examination, they are transferred to a foster home, where they get to know the comfortable lives of loved, pampered pets!

When the shelter announced it, the happy mother-daughter duo were admitted to a wonderful home and renamed Lady and Reptar. They also love to run around their neighborhood with a big smile and are dubbed the absolute “road blocker” thanks to their “deadly” cuteness!

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Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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