WATCH: Aiden Cicchetti Video shows Vegas teen raped drunk girl, sparks outrage online

In a world where nothing can be contained, pixelated video has taken the internet by storm, sparking outrage among the public. It is a video of a Nevada teenager who is accused of having intimate activities with a teenager without her consent. The reason for people’s anger is obvious. Meanwhile, the authorities took immediate action after realizing the sensitivity of the case. Who is the accused and who is the victim? There are countless questions that people want to know about it. But we have tried to shed light on each imperative aspect of this story. Stick to this page and follow it to the end. Move to down.

Video by Aiden Cicchetti

Video by Aiden Cicchetti

The shocking news came to light when a disturbing pixelated video of a Nevada boy went viral on social media. It is believed that some people filmed the obscene acts of the Nevada boy and posted them on the Internet. In the video, those who filmed the incident can be heard laughing behind the camera. Police said the girl in the video is a student and she appeared drunk and unconscious. Therefore, the boy is charged with having sex with the student in the back of her car without her consent and taking the right-of-way when she was unconscious. Scroll down the page.

Video by Aiden Cicchetti

Regarding the identity of the accused, he has been identified as Aiden Cicchetti. He is a 17 year old from Nevada. After learning about the incident, the person said on social networks that the defendant deserves life imprisonment. According to The Las Vegas Review, Aiden Cicchetti initially denied having sex with the schoolgirl, but later confessed to the crime. The police report goes on to add that Aiden Cicchetti did this against the girl’s will. The girl allegedly tried to stop him. She continues reading this article for more details.

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Video by Aiden Cicchetti

The identity of the student involved in the incident cannot be revealed for legal reasons. The public on social media came across this news and was left angry. Now they are sharing their thoughts on what to do against the boy from Nevada. As for the origin of the video, it is still unknown who recorded it and uploaded it to social networks. Meanwhile, one person said: “Were they filming instead of helping? What has this society become? Stay tuned to this website for more details and updates.

Video by Aiden Cicchetti

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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