WH.shared.addLazyImage('65148c6576456') Am I Mature Quiz

Am I Mature Quiz

Am I mature? Take this quiz to find out! Start the quiz

“Wow, you’re really mature for your age!” Sounds familiar? People like to use words like “mature” and “immature” to denote how mentally and emotionally wise our decisions and actions are. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to check in with yourself and see how much you’ve matured?

We’ve got you covered. Press “Start Quiz” and at the end of this quiz we will tell you exactly how mature you are.

A smiling woman is sitting at a table with a laptop in front of her.

Start the quiz 1. Do you feel like you handle your emotions well most days?

  1. Absolutely! I feel like I’m really in control of my emotions.
  2. Mostly, but occasionally I make a mistake.
  3. Species? However, sometimes I lose control.
  4. Not really. I don’t feel like I’m in control of my emotions.

2. The teacher just gave you constructive feedback on the project. How do you react?

  1. I thank them and write it down for later.
  2. I smile and nod, but inside I’m a little annoyed.
  3. I explain how I disagree, but I don’t really push the point.
  4. I engage in a discussion with them. They are totally wrong!

3. You and your friend got into a pretty nasty argument. How do you fix things?

  1. I acknowledge the role I played in our argument and take responsibility for my actions.
  2. I apologize as sincerely as I can, even if I don’t fully mean it.
  3. I apologize, but make it clear that they are wrong.
  4. I’m not doing anything — it’s up to them to fix things.

4. How often do you ask “How are you?” your friends and loved ones?

  1. At least once per conversation.
  2. Once every few days.
  3. Once a week or so.
  4. I usually don’t remember to sign up.

5. You just got a bad grade and you’re feeling super frustrated. How do you react?

  1. I give myself time to unpack my feelings later in a private space.
  2. At first I feel tense about it, but I push it to the back of my mind for later.
  3. I don’t talk about it, but the rest of the day I’m a bit snotty.
  4. It really affects my mood — all my peers can tell I’m upset.
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6. Are you comfortable expressing your feelings in a respectful way?

  1. Yes definitely. I can share my feelings without blaming other people.
  2. Usually, yes — I don’t have too much trouble staying composed.
  3. Occasionally, but it doesn’t take long for me to play the blame game.
  4. jok I tend to blame other people for how I feel.

7. The new gadget you want costs $200, but you only saved $100. What’s your next move?

  1. I will patiently save some money over the next few months.
  2. I ask my neighbors if I can do some work for a little money.
  3. I asked a friend to lend me the rest of the money.
  4. I make my parents feel guilty until they give me what I want.

8. In a given conversation, how much time do you spend talking about yourself?

  1. About 50%—that’s an equal split between me and the other person.
  2. Between 50 and 60%. I talk a little more than the other person.
  3. About 60-80%. I definitely dominate the conversation.
  4. Over 80%. Another person might throw in a few sentences.

9. How often do you take time for self-reflection?

  1. At least once a day.
  2. Once every few days, I’d say.
  3. Once a week, usually.
  4. I have no idea — it’s not really a priority for me.

10. A friend just disagreed with something you said. How do you react?

  1. I ask them for their opinion. I am so intrigued to hear their thoughts!
  2. I laugh at that, even though I feel a little annoyed.
  3. I don’t say anything, but I talk about it long after the conversation is over.
  4. I make fun of their opinion. That’s what they get if they don’t agree with me!
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11. Do you like to gossip with your friends?

  1. Not. I would get hurt if I knew someone was talking about me behind my back.
  2. Little. It’s definitely a guilty pleasure…
  3. I like to gossip, but I don’t usually initiate it.
  4. Absolutely! I love to hear the latest tea.

12. Your peer wins the prize you were hoping for. What are you doing?

  1. I smile and congratulate them. They deserved it!
  2. I shout them, but I don’t really mean it.
  3. I roll my eyes. They probably became the teacher’s pet in order to win.
  4. I complain to my friends that I deserved to win.

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What is maturity?
Maturity is the ability to behave emotionally and mentally like an adult. Mature individuals are not only in tune with their emotions – they are able to communicate their feelings in a healthy, respectful way and acknowledge how other people feel and think.

Signs that you are emotionally mature

  • You can comfortably separate your emotions from your sense of self. It is easy for you to admit that your feelings are separate from your identity. For example, you may be sad from time to time, but that does not make you a “sad person”.
  • You can accept constructive criticism from others. You have no difficulty in easily accepting a person’s feedback and seeing it for what it is. When people give you constructive criticism, don’t take it as a personal attack on your character.
  • You can understand how different emotions develop in your body. You might feel a sinking feeling in your gut before you feel sadness, or your face gets very red whenever you get angry. Either way, you are in sync with yourself and understand what your different body signals mean.
  • You can communicate your feelings in a healthy way. Instead of bottling up your feelings, let others know what’s on your mind in an honest and full way. You can do this without placing the blame on someone else.
  • You are good at keeping your cool in different situations. Regardless of the situation, you refuse to attack others as a way of coping. Instead, you can generally stay calm in most cases.
  • You take responsibility for yourself. You have the grace and humility to admit your actions in case your emotions get the better of you. When apologizing, don’t blame others for your behavior.
  • Follow the needs of other people. You’re great at picking up on how other people are feeling and you’re good at making sure they’re okay.
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Do you want to learn more about maturity and what it means to be emotionally mature? Check out these resources:

  • https://psychcentral.com/blog/signs-emotional-maturity
  • https://www.michbar.org/file/barjournal/article/documents/pdf4article2954.pdf
  • https://www.mindful.org/how-to-test-your-emotional-maturity/

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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