WH.shared.addLazyImage('658f68728c81c') What's My Fourth Wing Dragon Quiz

What is my dragon with fourth wings? Take this quiz to find out! Start the quiz

From Fourth Wing to Iron Flame, you were immersed in the world of Basgiath War College, surrounded by dragons and dragon riders. If you made it over the parapet, became a cadet and survived Vrshidba, which dragon would choose you?

Find out what color your dragon is (black, brown, blue, green, orange, red or gold) as well as their tail type (dagger tail, scorpion tail, sword tail, club tail, morning tail or feather tail) by answering to these questions!

A statue of a dark stone dragon with a fierce expression on a light gray background.

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The link has been copied! Start Quiz 1. How did you end up at Basgiath War College?

  1. I volunteered! Who wouldn’t want to be in the middle of all the action?
  2. I was recruited. I had no choice.
  3. It was a punishment. Now is the time to pay the price.
  4. I passed the entrance exam with the best grades and I was destined to be here.

2. Which quadrant would be your first choice?

  1. Healer. I just want the people I care about to stay safe.
  2. Scribe. History and data help us win battles just as much as brute force.
  3. Infantry. I’m a fighter, through and through.
  4. Rider. Who wouldn’t want to bond with a dragon?

3. What is your greatest strength?

  1. I am compassionate. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
  2. I am the leader. I know how to make difficult decisions.
  3. I am faithful. I keep my friends’ secrets and I’m there for them no matter what.
  4. I am resilient. I can overcome any challenge I have to face.

4. What is your greatest weakness?

  1. I’m stubborn. “Compromise” is not in my vocabulary.
  2. I can be ruthless if you get on my bad side.
  3. I am impulsive. I take risks without thinking.
  4. I definitely have a temper. Sometimes my feelings get the better of me.
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5. What is your favorite subject or activity at Basgiath War College?

  1. Glove. I like to face challenges and show my skills.
  2. Sparring. Fighting helps me release my anger.
  3. Battle Brief. It is essential to understand what is happening in the world, past and present.
  4. Um, lunch? I just want to hang out with my friends.

6. Select a collection:

  1. A leather-bound book, a grassy meadow and an orchestra.
  2. A love letter, a sunrise and a piece of cake.
  3. A golden ring, thunder and laughter.
  4. The sword, the forest and the trophy.

7. You’ve just been caught breaking the rules. What are you doing?

  1. Admit what I did and accept the consequences.
  2. Blame it on someone else. I will not be responsible for this!
  3. Strike back. Rules are made to be broken!
  4. I talked my way out of it. I was just helping out a friend after all!

8. What is your philosophy?

  1. Never underestimate me.
  2. Lead by example.
  3. Have courage in the face of fear.
  4. Knowledge is power.

9. Someone has wronged you. What are you doing?

  1. Tell them to watch their backs. I will have my revenge when they least expect it.
  2. Try to understand their motive so I can understand why they did what they did.
  3. Forgive them. We all make mistakes!
  4. Write them off forever. I don’t give second chances.

10. What are you made of?

  1. Oak, dreams and stardust.
  2. Glass, adventure and mystery.
  3. Fire, justice and empathy.
  4. Iron, wit and sarcasm.

11. What do you value most in a friend?

  1. Cunning and cleverness.
  2. Loyalty and commitment.
  3. Fun and humor.
  4. Power and status.

12. What is your fighting strategy?

  1. I’m avoiding the battle at all costs, thank you very much.
  2. A siege, of course. With careful planning and execution, our enemies will surrender.
  3. Melee. Come near me so I can show off my skills!
  4. A surprise attack. The enemy will not know what is coming until it is too late.
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The Fourth Wing is the first book in the Empyrean series, written by American author Rebecca Yarros. It was published on April 5, 2023, and the sequel, Iron Flame, was published on November 7, 2023. There will be 5 books in the series, with the third set to be published in December 2024. The Fourth Wing is a #1 New York Times Bestseller as well as a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. The Empyrean fantasy series is a phenomenon that has gained popularity on sites like BookTok (a subset of TikTok dedicated to book recommendations and reviews) and Goodreads, and hashtags like #FourthWing and #RebeccaYarros are popular on social media sites and online as fans devour the novels as soon as they’re released. released. In the series, 20-year-old protagonist Violet Sorrengail is forced to choose the Rider Quadrant at the Basgiath War College, despite her desires to become a scribe. Her mother, General Lilith Sorrengail, insists that all her children become dragon riders, the elite of Navarre (the country they live in). Along the way, she faces many challenges and risks life and limb to succeed as a candidate in the deadly Rider Quadrant. These epic novels are full of secrets, romance, mysteries and battles. If you’ve read either or both books, you know that the Basgiath War College is full of both riders and dragons. Having a hard time keeping them all straight? Check out this guide to the main characters and the dragons that chose them.

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  • Violet Sorrengail is the only human known to have been chosen by two dragons—Tairneanach (Tairn), the fierce black morningtail, as well as Andarnaurram (Andarna), the golden feathertail.
  • Lilith Sorrengail, Violet’s mother, was chosen by Aimsir, a brown dragon (tail type unknown).
  • Mira Sorrengail, Violet’s sister, was chosen by Teine, the Green Dragon (tail type unknown).
  • Xaden Riorson was chosen by Sgaeyl, the Blue Dagger.
  • Ridoc was chosen by Aotrom, the Brown Swordtail.
  • Jack Barlowe was chosen by Baide, the orange scorpion.
  • Daina Aetosa was chosen by Cath, Red Sword Tail.
  • Amber Mavis chose Claidh and Orange chose Daggertail.
  • General Melgren was chosen by Codagh, the black tail of the sword.
  • Liam Mairi was chosen by Deigh, Red Daggertail.
  • Rhiannon Matthias chose Feirge, the Green Dagger.
  • Soleil was chosen by Fuil, a brown clubtail.
  • Sawyer was chosen by Slisea, Red Sword Tail.
  • Caroline Ashton chose Gleann (dragon color and tail type unknown).
  • Professor Kaori was chosen by Smachd (dragon color and tail type unknown).

Dive into the world of The Fourth Wing with these resources:

  • https://www.rebeccayarros.com/books/fourth-wing/
  • https://www.rebeccayarros.com/books/iron-flame/
  • https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/books/rebecca-yarros-fourth-wing-iron-flame.html

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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