What kind of brain do I have? Take this quiz to find your thinking style! Start the quiz
Have you ever wondered how your brain works? What happens to you in your head when you see a big mathematical problem or a beautiful work of art? We are here to find out exactly how your mind works exactly and why you think what you are doing.
Answer these questions, and we will tell you what kind of brain you have. Your result may surprise you …
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Link copied! Start quiz 1. When we say “Apple”, what does your brain see? Choose the closest answer:
- I see the perfect picture of an apple. He is lively and detailed, as if on a TV screen.
- I imagine a vague image of an apple. It’s magno, but it’s there.
- I think about an apple concept, like its color and taste, but don’t “see” it in my mind.
2. Look at this photo. How do you think that person feels?
- They feel sad, disappointed or other negative emotion.
- They are deep in thinking, but they do not necessarily feel bad.
- I don’t know. I needed more information before I assumed they felt.
3. You traveled for hours for a big hiking, but you forgot your mountaineering boots and all you have are Flip Flops! What are you doing?
- Walk in my flip flops. I came this way, I won’t leave now!
- Cancel hiking and turn around. It’s not safe to walk in Flip Flops.
- Ask another mountaineer if they have spare shoes in my size. I will understand this in one way or another.
- Picnic in the parking lot. I can still enjoy myself, even if I don’t hiking!
4. What do you think about this picture?
- It’s stunning. I could stare at him all day.
- It’s nice. I would hang him in my home.
- Eh. I don’t really think about it.
- I really don’t like it. I feel weird.
5. What is the first thing you notice when you enter a new room?
- Decorations. I’m always interested in what space looks like.
- Atmosphere. I pay attention to the general vibe and how things feel.
- People in the room. Who I am around is more important than where I am.
- Where they are out. I want to know how to leave if I need to.
6. Which of them do you spend the most time working?
- Reading books.
- Listening to music.
- Listening to the subcastic.
- Watching movies or TV.
- Reviewing social media.
7. Imagine sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher. What class is that?
- Mathematics
- Science
- English
- Art
- Something else
8. Imagine being at the train station, waiting for someone to come to the next train. You are excited but anxious. Who are you waiting for?
- An old friend I haven’t seen for a long time.
- Someone important, like my boss or celebrity.
- The stranger I meet for the first time.
- I’m not sure, but I’ll know when I see them.
9. Do you think it’s easy to know what emotions you feel and why?
- Yes, very easy. I am very in line with my emotions.
- It’s pretty easy, but not always.
- It’s usually not easy. I often have trouble recognizing my emotions.
- It’s not easy at all. My emotions are confusing.
10. Someone tells you to make mistakes in something, although you are pretty sure you are right. How do you react?
- I hear them. I may have made a mistake.
- I show them my own proof and thought process. They will see things in my way if I explain.
- I do my research. Maybe we’re both right.
- I stop listening. They don’t know what they are talking about, and I.
11. How do you usually study tests?
- I appear to study the night before. I can push all information in the head with limited time.
- I do some study every day, leading to the test.
- I don’t study. I know I’ll receive it anyway.
- I study with the group. I work best with other people.
12. Imagine a car. What color is that?
- Red
- White
- Black
- Blue
- Green
- Yellow
- A different color
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The brain is a funny thing. It is incredibly complex, and yet it is basically a bag of meat that hangs out within your skull. It is capable of performing intricate processes at a low speed, but one stray factor, like a hot day or a disturbing noise, can throw it out of its slot.
There are a lot of research that we still have to do to realize how our brain acts and why, but some experts in Amen clinics have designed a way to categorize each brain into one of five species. We took these species and adjusted them into more accessible and understandable categories:
- Creative brain: Spontaneous, risky, flexible, artistic. Creative brains rush, make decisions and worry about the consequences later.
- Logical brain: Define, reliable, procedural, stubborn. The logical brain achieves things with steady and pushing through barriers.
- Emotional brain: Intuitive, awake, empathetic, mystical, spiritual. The emotional brain goes with the flow, roll with the impact and are easily adjusted.
- Careful brain: Thoroughly, testing, detailed oriented, skeptical, patient. Careful brains remain safe by examining what they were told and striving for the truth.
- Balanced brain: Well rounded, reliable, jack-off-al-trailer. Balanced brains mix quality of all other species into one diverse and versatile package.
Of course, your brain probably doesn’t fit into any category – people are more complex than that! – But identifying a particular category can help you better understand what you think and why. Just remember that your mind is open, and you do not allow categories to control how you think.
For more information about brain mode, look for these useful resources:
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/condations-dnd-diseases/anatomy— the-a-Rain
- https://www.mayclinic.org/diseases- conditation/epilepsy/in-depth/brain/art-20546821
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.ni.gov/BOOks/nbk279302/
Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education