What Does Guerita Mean in Spanish?

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If you happen to be part of a large Mexican family, the term “güerita” may be familiar to you – especially if you’re the fairest complexion of the bunch! Used informally in Mexican slang, “güerita” is a diminutive of “güero”. While the suffix “ita” adds an undertone of tenderness, both generally refer to a woman with blond hair, light skin, and/or other whites, such as blue eyes. But – could it apply to anyone who fits that description? And is it considered offensive? Stay tuned for a detailed guide on the meaning of “güerita” and how to use it in a sentence without getting chancla[1]
in the face.

  • “Güerita” is a Spanish slang term for a light-skinned, blonde-haired, and/or other Caucasian woman. The suffix “ita” indicates affection, separating it from “güer”. Intended to be used as a term of endearment, “güerita” can even be used to simply refer to someone lighter-skinned – no offense!

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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