What If Goku Defeated Perfect Cell Instead Of Gohan

When Gohan defeated Perfect Cell dragon ball, it signifies the passing of the torch from one generation of warriors to the next, with the son defeating every major enemy his father ever faced. However, since Goku is the face of the series, there’s no doubt that the story would be very different if Goku defeated Perfect Cell instead of Gohan. undoubtedly, dragon ballIf Goku finally defeats Cell, his future will change dramatically.

as dragon ball Continuing on after the Cell Game, it became increasingly clear that Goku wasn’t going to retire so easily. Although Gohan was strengthened in the storyline and played an important role in the Buu saga, Gohan was never able to escape his father’s shadow.With Gohan’s character gradually falling by the wayside until release Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes Having him back in the spotlight, viewers can’t be blamed for wondering if things would actually be different if Goku were the hypothetical scenario where he defeated Cell and continued his winning streak.

If Goku is the one who ends Cell dragon ball z A third major storyline, the consequences of which could send some pretty big ripples throughout the original series. First of all, Gohan’s role in the story was significantly reduced much earlier.But although the incident dragon ball super Perhaps not that different, the storyline that follows Cell – the Buu Saga – is likely to be almost unrecognizable. In fact, if things go a certain direction, this might not happen at all.

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Goku survives, Gohan never takes over his role

From the very beginning, there was an obvious change that Goku defeated Cell instead of Gohan because Goku was still alive. If Goku does become strong enough to defeat Cell on his own, he will undoubtedly eliminate the biomechanical threat and survive to fight another day. It would also strip away several of the series’ most iconic moments, including Buu’s Legendary Super Saiyan 3 transformation, and the classic father and son Kamehameha.

If Goku hadn’t died, then Gohan wouldn’t have ended up taking over his role as Earth’s Guardian. Ironically though, despite his goofy alter ego, he takes the role more seriously than Goku. With his almighty father by his side, Gohan doesn’t feel the need to take on this responsibility. Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroes Even in the beginning, Gohan dismisses the possibility that Piccolo poses any danger to the world with his comment about Goku and Vegeta being nearby.

not much to say dragon ball super This is especially likely to change given Gohan’s reduced role in subsequent series without taking over his father’s role, even temporarily. However, it’s also worth mentioning that if Gohan never became the great Saiyan, then he probably never became that close to Vedel. Then there would be no Pan. Considering Pan’s huge role in allowing Gohan to reach his potential, Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroesthe entire film may be erased.

Worst case scenario: Majin Buu wins

Super Buu's human-destroying attack in Dragon Ball Z

If Goku does win over Cell, Legend of Buu will get out of trouble in various ways. On the dark side, pink horror Majin Buu might actually win in the end. While it might take Buu longer to wake up, there’s really nothing that slows him down throughout the arc. Goku’s death played a major role, as he learned Super Saiyan 3 Transformation and Transform Fusion in Another World, which meant Gotenks didn’t exist either. Ultimate Gohan will also most likely never appear, as this power is an evolution of Gohan’s Super Saiyan 2.

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The Buu Saga received a lot of deserved criticism for being too long and filled with unnecessary redundancy. However, had Goku not died at the end of the Cell Saga, the Z Fighters would have missed out on some key techniques used to slow down Buu. Worst of all, without the ability to truly push Buu, Majin might be stuck in his most evil, clever, and arguably most dangerous Super Buu state, since the character’s incarnation is Buu being transformed by his own Born from the absorption of evil. Pop back half. Even if Vegetto was still built to challenge Super Buu (which is impossible without time to get there), he would almost certainly be weaker than his standard appearance, leaving Buu without any meaningful challenge.

Best Case Scenario: The Buu Saga Is Not a Problem

Dragon Ball Super Majin Buu sleeps

Despite these more realistic possibilities, dragon ball Still a comedy, and in the real world, it’s more likely that The Buu Saga ends perfectly. In fact, it’s probably easier and shorter than the original storyline. All in all, The Legend of Buu likely avoided those overblown criticisms while sacrificing some of its best elements. For example, if Goku never dies on Cell, he’d be there to facilitate more steady growth for Vegeta’s character and possibly bypass the entire Majin Vegeta scene. Without this, the iconic final explosion moment would never have happened. What’s more, the Buu saga itself probably won’t happen, given Majin Vegeta’s role in it.

Of course, there would be no story in that case. In all likelihood, there are multiple ways to make Buu effective. Once Buu wakes up and wreaks havoc, the Z Fighters will need to come up with something to deal with him. There will still be no Super Saiyan 3, no Ultimate Gohan, and no Transform Fusion. The upside is that against an enemy like Super Buu that gains strength by absorbing them, a lower power threshold can have significant narrative significance. If Super Buu still ends up happening, he probably won’t be forced to absorb as many Dragon Ball heroes and become Buu Han, for example, cutting the fat from the entire storyline. With Vegeta still alive, the Potara fusion could work much faster, and Vegetto could finish off Buu before he has enough power to become a serious problem, possibly even skipping Buu entirely Europe.

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Ultimately, Goku’s death and Gohan’s role in Cell’s defeat became a staple of the series, allowing much of the Buu saga to take place. While changing this dynamic might cut out much of the storyline, it might sacrifice some classic moments like the father-son Kamehameha and the final explosion.If Goku suddenly strikes out and emerges victorious, even Pan may not be able to take over from Gohan, as is often the case dragon ball.

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