What Song Is In The Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Super Bowl Trailer

Marvel Studios releases new trailer Guardians of the Galaxy roll. 3. The perfect new song will be added to the MCU’s ongoing “Awesome Mix”. From director James Gunn, the upcoming film will be Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, concluding an epic trilogy that always keeps the character’s family at the forefront. However, thanks to Peter Quill’s Walkman and Zune and their collection of classics, music has always played an important role.

like New Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 The Super Bowl trailer, which focuses more on the movie’s new villain Advanced Evolution (played by Chukwudi Iwuji) and the return of Thanos’ daughter Gamora in 2014, rather than Star-Lord who fell in love with Peter Quill:

Instead of listening to the same song “In The Meantime” by Spacehog in the first trailer Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3The new Super Bowl trailer picks up a brand new soundtrack, and it’s perfect for the Guardians final chapter.

Rainbow’s “Since You Been Gone” intro song for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3SB

“Since You Been Gone” was originally written by guitarist Russ Ballard in 1976 and covered by Rainbow on their 1979 album. reality. Not only does it match the overall tone and style of the previous songs Guardians of the Galaxy franchise and it resonates perfectly with the group’s comeback Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3the story of s. Even though they appeared in Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Game over, Thor: Love and Thunder and their own special holiday, they haven’t had a full movie since 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

Why Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. The song in 3’s Super Bowl trailer is so goodChris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.  3-1

“Since you’ve gone” in many levels Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Star-Lord’s lover Gamora has “disappeared” since the incident Avengers: Game over, even if she is not Gamora to fall in love with him, he is indeed “bewitched”. Also, after this last chapter, all Guardians will also “disappear” very quickly “Last leg”One of the two cosmic heroes, Drax or Rocket, is likely to die at the end of the movie, though it’s unclear what happens to the rest of the team.

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Furthermore, the main parts of the lyrics refer to “These four walls are closing, look at the fix you gave me”, The line is right for this new trailer, where the Guardians mostly wear overalls in some sort of prison. It’s worth noting that “Since You Been Gone” is also part of Star-Lord’s 2021 video game playlist. by Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy (makes this song an Easter egg with sound). With the MCU’s future uncertain, though, they’ll soon have to “Facing the Music” in the near future Guardians of the Galaxy roll. 3 will hit theaters on May 5, though their ultimate adventure is sure to have some fun.

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