Which The Vampire Diaries Character Are You, Based On Your Enneagram Type?

The Enneagram test is designed to show a person their basic instincts in responding to the world around them. Will they avoid dangerous situations or jump into them? Do they put others first or themselves first? The test provides users with one of nine personality types that best describes their lifestyle.

The Enneagram test also tends to fit perfectly with fictional characters, with each character’s personality fitting exactly into nine categories.This is real the Vampire Diaries Likewise, each protagonist of the play can be understood as a representative of the Enneagram type. Their ability to fit well into the Enneagram classification system is part of what makes these characters so relatable, as they all approach life with a different understanding of their place in life.

Category 1: Reformers — Stefan Salvatore

Reformers value self-control, striving for perfection and goodness in everything they do. They tend to make rules for themselves and judge others who don’t follow the same guidelines. Many reformers feared that they had an inherent darkness within them, and it was their duty to control this darkness.

No character fits this dynamic better than Monterey Ripper Stefan Salvatore. When Stefan succumbs to his bloodlust, he becomes a cold-blooded killer, willing to harm anyone who stands in his way. Because Stefan knows a part of himself exists, he tries very hard not to give in to any impulses. While his nature may make him a monster, his stubborn faith helps him overcome that.

Category 2: Helper – Bonnie Bennett

Bonnie casts a barrier spell with a bloody nose in The Vampire Diaries

A helper is exactly what the name implies: someone who is willing to do anything for others. Their fear of not being loved leads them to neglect their own needs in order to make others happy. They thrive on feeling loved by others and are willing to sacrifice everything to maintain that love.

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Bonnie’s willingness to do incredible things for her friends makes her the perfect poster child for help. Whenever a crisis strikes, Bonnie comes with some new spell or plan to save others, but only endangers herself. Bonnie did die for her friends on multiple occasions, and was unwilling to put herself first no matter how much she needed it.

Category Three: Winners – Caroline Forbes

Caroline Forbes in The Vampire Diaries.

Achievers are similar to Reformers in that they maintain a high degree of control over themselves, but Achievers do this not out of fear of evil but out of fear of being seen as worthless. They tend to be ambitious, but this is usually more motivated by a desire to be useful to themselves than a selfish desire for power. Achievers want to be seen as successful, but if they don’t set reasonable expectations for their own success, they can end up pushing themselves too hard.

Caroline has changed a lot in the process the Vampire Diaries, but a core part of her character has always been based on achievement. Caroline is Miss Mystic Falls, who wants to have the perfect relationship and is focused on being the best vampire she can be. While this seemed a bit annoying in the first few seasons, as the crisis in Mystic Falls became more unmanageable, her desire to be valuable became valuable to those around her.

Type 4: Individualist – Damon Salvador

Damon Salvatore stands outdoors in a suit, staring

Individualists see themselves as fundamentally different from other people, and they sometimes insist on this as a way of protecting themselves from harm from others. That being said, they are sometimes called romantics, largely because they thrive on authenticity. They want to be their authentic selves and are attracted to people who desire to live fulfilling lives.

Whether Damon was the villain in season one or the hero in season eight, he’s always trying to live his life authentically, unencumbered by society’s rules or conventional morals, and get what he wants. Although he made great moral progress, he never did anything that was not true to himself.

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Type Five: Investigator — Alaric Saltzman

Alaric Looks Worried About 'The Vampire Diaries' Spinoff 'Legacy'

Investigators tend to be the kind of people who are dedicated to learning everything there is to know about their field of interest. They tend to avoid others, especially when socializing means putting their priorities at risk, so they can appear uncaring to those who don’t understand the way they think.

Alaric Saltzman is the kind of guy who always has a plan and always has some idea of ​​what he’s dealing with. He did have a series of relationships, but he was at his best when he was alone and able to focus every part of himself on his latest research topic. Honestly, romance has never been so smooth for Alaric anyway.

Type Six: The Loyalty – Katherine Pierce

Photo of Catherine standing in Salvador's boarding house from

Loyalists tend to focus on safety and security. They are willing to take risks, but only if they know exactly what they are facing and have a plan to get out alive. They worry they’re unprepared and vulnerable, so they spend a lot of time planning and stockpiling supplies to make sure they have what they need when things fall apart.

In Katherine Pierce’s own words, she is a survivor. She’s good at escaping, building a new life, and finding powerful men to wrap around her finger.Although she is a villain, she is also one of the most fascinating characters the Vampire Diariesconstantly staying one step ahead of the enemy so she won’t be caught off guard.

Category 7: Fanatics – Jeremy Gilbert

Nervous Jeremy Gilbert appears in 'The Vampire Diaries'

Zealots tend to be energetic people, always looking for new things to try. They get bored easily and are always looking for their next adventure. While this outward appearance makes them appear infinitely optimistic, the truth is that they often run away from their feelings, constantly looking for new pursuits that keep them from feeling sad or fearful.

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When viewers first meet him, Jeremy is dealing with the loss of his parents through drugs and alcohol. Although he eventually kicked the habit, he never really settled down. Instead, he finds new monsters to hunt and new prizes to obtain, never allowing himself to slow down and let the pain really hit him.

Type Eight: Challenger — Klaus Mikaelson

Klaus Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals

Challengers are often seen as heroes or villains in stories, as they tend to be warriors. Challengers want to become strong and powerful, increasing their power until no one can hurt them or those they hold dear. They have a strong sense of justice and are willing to fight to make the world the way they want it to be.

Klaus Mikaleson is a completely ruthless villain. the Vampire DiariesBut the audience saw his gentle side Original, making him the perfect example of a challenger. He’s willing to fight anyone to get what he needs and protect the people he cares about. Klaus’s greatest fear is powerlessness, and he spends his time fighting for control to ensure he can never be taken advantage of.

Type Nine: Peacemaker – Elena Gilbert

'Vampire Diaries' Elena looks shocked in graveyard

Peacemakers are often considered the most passive of the Enneagram, but not for lack of strength. In fact, they are often very good at getting their own way, gently guiding those around them who are overbearing. Peacemakers don’t want to start a row, so they go along with what others think so they don’t end up pushing the other person away.

Elena proves that a peacemaker can be a protagonist. She doesn’t tend to be a positive force in life, letting the Salvatore brothers or even Caroline and Bonnie decide their path to victory. Having said that, she is valuable to those around her, which makes her opinion very important. Elena knows the danger of her friends falling apart, so she’s always the strength to pull them back together.

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